After living in Narnia for so long, Elodie's books didn't allow her to escape her reality like they used to, but she'd take any form of escapism that she could get. Not to mention, that Lucy loved it when she read her stories because now they knew that they were real.
As their other siblings wondered about the town and the train station before they caught their train to school, Elodie sat with Lucy on a bench as she read lines from the pages of her newest books. A story about a girl who was tricked into hunting a magical firebird by the king, a firebird that actually had the power to return someone to life if the bird deemed a person pure of heart and soul. The king wanted to kill it to prevent the rebels from using it to resurrect the prince, the true heir to the throne that the king had slain. Elodie was describing to her littlest sister the first encounter between the girl and the firebird when they were interrupted by some boys yelling nearby. Elodie had lifted her crystal blue eyes up from her book to see Peter throwing his fist at another boy as his head turned with the motion and she snapped her book shut.
"Ellie?" Lucy asked nervously, only her siblings were allowed to use that name for her as she didn't really like nicknames.
"Go get Susan. I'll make sure Peter doesn't get himself killed," she instructed and Lucy nodded as she went running while Elodie simply made her way over to the group that was slowly starting to form around the two fighting boys and she caught the fist of a third before he could hit Peter while his back was turned. "It's cowardly to punch someone while their back is turned," she reprimanded with a sweet smile.
"Back off sweetheart. Wouldn't want you to get hurt," he cooed with a suggestive smirk after he pulled his arm free of hers.
Her smile widened before she punched him in the face.
"I think that it's you who's going to get hurt," she corrected as she pulled off her red blazer and let it fall to the floor.
"Oh, you're going to get it," he growled as he lunged at her, gripping her around the waist as she stumbled back. Her knee met his stomach as he let go of her and she sent another punch to his face before she was grabbed from behind by another boy. This one she flipped over her shoulder with ease as he landed on the hard concrete. Honestly, the dwarves in Narnia hit harder than these pansies did.
She turned around just in time to watch as two of the boys Peter was fighting held his head off the edge of the platform and over the train lines as a massive crowd of their schoolmates gathered around as they hollered chants and taunts. But then Edmund joined the fray as he tackled one of the boys to the ground and Peter was able to kick off the other one as got up. Elodie was relieved but less so as the two boys she knocked down got back up again, each one grabbing her arms as she struggled.
She kicked the boy on her left in the stomach as he doubled over and she twisted her arm out of his grip before smirking at the boy on her right as she twirled under his arm and pulled it back, forcing his face towards the floor and eventually forcing him to hit the floor as she hooked his ankle with hers and pulled it out from under him.
"Want more?" she grinned at the boy she'd kicked in the stomach, but before either of them could move against each other, the sound of whistles cut through the air as army officers came running toward the boys who were still tussling on the ground.
"Break it up! That's enough!" the two men growled as they pulled them apart and a man with a blond moustache gripped Peter's arm tightly.
"Act your age," he sneered before he let the boy go and the crowd dispersed like rats in a flood as they all retreated back to the bench Lucy and Elodie had been sitting on.
"Oh, relax Susie," Elodie said to her younger sister as she handed her blazer back. "I was fine."
"You're welcome," Edmund said to Peter as Lucy came and sat on Elodie's lap, the five of them barely fitting on the bench.

The High Queen of Narnia
FanfictionDo you ever feel like you were born into the wrong world? Because that is exactly how Elodie Penvensie felt. Her twin brother Peter, and the rest of her younger siblings never understood her. In fact, they used to distance themselves from her quite...