M/N Pov
I had been friends with Grimmjoe until we wanted the same thing and wasn't willing to share it menaing we became enemies, doing everything in our power to stop one another succeeding which was both an annoyance but thrilling to say the least as we tested one anothers powers out and the result was always the same, it ended up as a draw before we both left drained out of energy swearing we'd bear one another next time though it never happened until recently. He was getting slopping not even aiming at me and tried to run as we saw one another.That meant he either had a plan up his sleeve or distracting me from the way he was acting. I had tried getting in his head but he blocked me out knowing fine well what my abilities where which annoyed me as it meant I had to force it out of him. Forcing him to fight making sure he couldn't run this time but it was easy. Pinning him down my blade at his throat as he just lools up at me "tell me what your planning?!" Smiling at me as his hand grabs thr back of my head grabbing my hair before forcefully pushing head down until my lips were on mine.
No matter how much i struggle he wouldn't let go until he flipped us over pinning my arms above my head, thst however wasn't what alarmed it was the clicking sound on my wrist looking up I notice a bracelet "what is this?" "This bracelet will cancel your abilities out and if you try use them the bracelet will shock you so i wouldn't recommend doing anything?" "tell me your plan Grimmjoe? I don't understand it at all." "It's simple my plan is...you."