Altair Pov
I had explored most places on on earth and learned of many groups and there way as it fascinated me with their stories plus be good if I needed to fight them and they had told me all their weaknesses without even knowing. However they all mentioned a rare ancient race that tended to live in the woods that liked to remain hidden and only came out to mingle with humans when they wanted. I of course was fascinated and wanted to meet one but they said it was impossible as they rarely came out of hiding but I didn't care I'd find one and I did.It took me 6 years until I stumbled one in the river his eyes closed as he faced the sky looking so peaceful with no worry but then again most people don't enter the woods fearing a wild animal will kill them. Not taking my eyes off the male who was attractive as the sun made his skin glow. "Come out from hiding, I know your there Altair" shocked I came out aiming my weapon not trusting him anymore "do you really think I wouldn't notice you?" "How do you know my name?" "The people told me about a strange man entering their village asking stories about my kind"
Lowering my weapon accepting he was the real deal I stayed there leanring all about him and his kind as he told me all about them but by the end of week as he let me stay at his I really only cared about M/N wanting him to myself after all he was rare and people would be just like and look for him making it unacceptable so deciding to not leave staying nearby killing any person that close by of course this angered M/N but he couldn't change my mind on him and what I wanted.