12.Fight part 2/2

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I sat against my door, tears streaming down my face.
I was a mistake.
My own mother, the one who held me inside herself for 9 months, said i was a mistake.
And she was probably right.
After a few minutes a knock on the door made me jump.
I ignored her and tried to stay as quiet as possible.
"Y/n please open the door"
Taking in a breath i stood up and unlocked the door.
My mother was worst then me.
Her eyes were puffy red and her normally nice and curly hair looked like a tornado hit it.
"I'm sorry, i didn't mean it y/n its just... I can't afford losing you. you are the best thing that ever happened to me and i would never forgive myself if i got you killed. i will try my hardest to be a good mum and-"
I cut her off of her rambling and jumped into her arms hugging her as tightly as humanly possible.
"I love you"
"I love you to mum."

I kept walking as i herd my dad walking well jogging after me.
"Please Y/n!"
I stopped and turned round to face him.
"Dad you don't care about me i know, let it go and leave me alone!"
Tears kept running down my face as i shouted.
He looked at me sadness overcoming his expression, he put his hands on my shoulders.
"Y/n don't you ever think i don't care about you"
"But you said-"
"I know i'm just stressed. i'm so sorry."
I looked at him for a few seconds before wrapping my arms round his waist and burying my head in his chest.

I haven't talking to him in 2 days now.
I was tied, hungry and frankly stink.
Right this minute my covers, pillows and anything soft wen in the bath with me on them wen dad came in with a tray.
My voice was cracked and dried.
"I brought you pop tarts"
He kneeled down passing the tray to me.
"Thank you"
I looked at the tray on my lap then to him.
"I'm sorry Y/n"
I nodded.
"Your right"
He chuckled probably thinking of a sarcastic comment he could answer back but thankfully keeping it to himself.

His face softened as he realised what he said.
"I didn't mean it like that"
I turned my head away from him as some tears escaped, i felt the couch sink next to me and strong arms wrapping round my shoulder.
I leaned back into my dads chest and cried.
"I'm sorry"
I muttered over and over again.
"No i'm sorry i should never had said that."
He kissed the top of my head, keeping in his embrace for a
very long time.

His expression stayed stony but his eyes were clouded.
I tried to stay like him, strong.
But failed miserably, flinging my arms round his neck and hugging him.
He hugged me back his arm round my waist in soft and gently cuddle.
It truss dad loved hugs.
"I love you"
"I luuvvee youuu tooo"

I sat on Tony's table, swinging my legs back and having a break, having a kit-kat.
The lab door opened and i guessed it to be Tony but the man who stopped in front of me was the ragging green monster himself, in human form of course.
"Y/n i am more then sorry i want to make it up to you. lets go to the movies our the park our for ice-cream, please"
I looked at him and fought for a second.
"Can we get F/F ice-cream with sprinkles?"
He smiled and nodded.

I lay and cry for ages until the floor creaked and i was pulled into to strong and slightly cold arms.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy wen sky's are grey, you'll never know dear how much i love you, so please don't take my sunshine away."
I smiled as my dad whispered the song over and over again in my ear.
"I love you sweetie"
"I love you to daddy."

I didn't even make it to the bottom of the stairs wen he wizzed up in front of me.
He didn't say a word just brought me into his chest.
I cried into his chest.
"I'm sorry"
He whispered over and over again in his Romanian accent.
"I'm sorry to"
His chin rested on the top of my head.
"I'm more sorry"
"No i am"
"Nope not possible i am"

He didn't exactly apologise but he gave me an ice rose.
He didn't say anything else and just sat there next to me.
Not a word
And more silence
"I love you"

Mum was sat on the sofa her head in her hands.
She looked up, her eyes puffy red.
"I did my homework"
I said showing her the sheet in my hand, she cracked a small smile and i sat next to her as she pulled me into her arms.
"Thank you"
She mumble in my hair.
"I only did it cause i didn't want another note."
She chuckled.
"Its weird how much you remind me of your uncle"

I hate myself for making Loki's short so i am so sorry!
The next preferences i'll be writing is first word and funny text.
Luve ya
Evangeline 😈