15.First word

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Steve called as he exited the elevator.
He had left you with Tony and Bruce while he went on a mission.
He kneeled down in front of you smiling.
"Hows my special girl"
You mumbled making him look at you wide eyed.
"What did you day?"
He looked up at a smirking Tony.
"Oh your in trouble"
Bruce mumbled as he sat you down next to him as Steve stood up walking towards Tony.
He was in trouble.

You were currently sitting on Thor's lap rolling cars along his leg, making him chuckle while your mum talked to the other Avengers.
So your eyes head started to drop as did your eyelids.
She noticed and smiled.
"I have to be going"
She excused herself standing up and taking her in your arms.
The others waved to her as she walked to the door.
You yelled waving your arms about to the god.
Your mum stopped in her tracks and looked at you.
"Was that her first word?"
Thor asked, a smile taking over his face.
"Yes it was"
She said giving a little chuckle as she looked at you.
You waved your arms yelling his name over and over again making everybody chuckle.
"I'm so proud of you"
Your mum whispered in your ear as you made your way out.

Your dad was studying in the lab while you sat on the floor with your toys all round you.
You mutter, trying to reach for a toy that was a bit out of your reach.
Bruce hadn't seem to have herd you so you repeated again.
He looked down at you and you outstretched your arm towards the toy.
"Ulk! Ulk! Ulk!"
He chuckled and passed it to you then kneeled down in front of you and kissing the top of your head.
"My clever girl"

"Say daddy"
He repeated for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
"Say daddy"
He repeated sitting in front of you on the carpet, you just stared at him blankly.
"Sir someone is coming up"
Jarvis informed making you chuckle, you always loved the sound of Jarvis.
The elevator opened and Happy stepped out.
You yelled making Tony stare at you.
"Appy! Appy! Appy! Appy!"
Happy smiled.
"That her first word"
Tony just nodded, starring at you wide eyed.

You sat with Jane, Darcy, Wanda, Pepper and Natasha much to your father disgust while he talk to Thor.
Darcy got out her phone and smiled as you outstretched your arms.
"This is going on facebook"
She snapped the photo right wen you smiled.
After Loki finally finished talking to Thor he walked over to find Wanda levitating bricks for you.
He cleared his throat surprising them.
"May i have my daughter?"
Wanda nodded and made the bricks stop floating.
Now you didn't like that.
"Wada! Wada!"
You yelled looking at her grumpily.
Loki gapped at you.
"She said my name!"
Wanda squealed happily.
"She didn't say yours"
Natasha said smirking at Loki with he in return sent her a glare.

Bucky, Steve and Sam were out on a run while you sat on the park bench with Pietro.
"Want to see something funny?"
Pietro asked to with you nodded, he stood up holding you tightly and started running.
"On your left!"
He yelled running past the boys.
"On your left!"
He yelled again this time slowing down so he was running backwards in front of them with you still in his arms.
"Left! Left!"
You cried happily making Bucky stop in his tracks while the other just chuckled.
"Did she just speak?"
He asked, starting to run back over to the guys.

You dad was training with Steve and Natasha while you sat with Phil.
Phil was showing you his trading cards while your dad spared against Nat.
You yelled making you dad stop and look over at you, giving Nat the chance to trip him up.
"She spoke!"
Nat pinned him down.
"She spoke!"

You had been staying with Clint and Laura at the farm while your mum was of on a mission.
Late on night while you were still up with Clint she came.
"Hey Clint, hey Sweetie"
She greeted as Clint got up giving her hug.
You called making her freeze.
"Did she just?"
Clint nodded.

The Avengers were having a meeting and your were sat on the table staring at Fury.
He stared back at you.
You crossed your eyes to with he responded (but with one eyes of course).
You stuck your tong out at him with he responded again.
By this time you were getting distressed.
Then you got it.
You blew a raspberry.
He chuckled.
"You win"
You smiled.
You pointed at him laughing.
Pietro looked over and chuckled.
"Thats my girl."

No one and i mean no one was surprise wen you said Pop-Tarts while watching tv with the sciences bros and your dad.
Do in fairness you said Pop-twarts with made Tony laugh thinking you said twits.
But your father was delighted.

I really like writing this one!
Um i'm going to do maybe Aprils fools our something.
So... yeah.
Luvvess yaaaa'ssss
Evangeline 👽