1. Imagine: Bucky

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The cell they held me in was cold and damp, i wore only a black t-shit and shorts.
I was so cold i fought i'd die an icicle before my father would find me.
Just thinking of dad made tears spring to my eyes.
I missed him so much, i wanted him to tell me everything would be alright, i wanted to hug me so badly, even if his mental arm always gave me goosebumps.
Wen i was little and had nightmares, he'd come and crawl into bed with me and sung 'you are my sunshine', his voice was so soft wen he sung, it always made me feel at piece, sending me straight back to sleep.
But now, it had been at least a week and i hadn't herd a slight scuffle.
The only thing i herd was the guards bringing me food.
I felt more like an animal then a prisoner.
I was waiting for the day they'd come and slaughter me.
I was not scared of death, i was scarred that i'd never get to say goodbye to dad before dying.

Two weeks now went by in a flash, that wen i herd the noise i've waited to hear for a long time.
A fight.
Gun's sounded, yells rang threw the hallways right to my cell.
I stood up and smiled, i waited to see my dad's smiling face, his gentle arms picking me up and holding me tight.
Instead of him bursting threw the door it was one of the scientist.
He moved over to me quickly and before i could even scream, he planted a needle into my neck.
The first thing i felt was the man collapsing next to me, the yell's of my metal arm father and the sound of my own heart beating in my ears.

Beep...... Beep...... Beep......
"I'm sorry."
The heart monitor beeped at a steady pace, so did the young man's tears.
His cold metal fingers held onto Y/N hand like it was a life support, while the other moved some hair away from her face.
"I can't loose you Y/N" he took a deep breath "your so beautiful, like your mother, and oh so creative. I should have came sooner, saved you from those monsters but i was an idiot, i waited, waited for them to make a wrong move but i stead it was me, i made the wrong move, i put you in harms way and now.... i could loose you. I love you so much darling, please don't leave me."
He wanted desperately for you to sit up smiling, yelling 'i got ya!' But no, she stayed lifeless, the oxygen mask securely on and thousands of tubes and needles stuck, still in place.
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy wen sky's are grey, you'll never dear how much i love you"
The monitor flatlined as he pronounced the last phrase.
"So please don't take my sunshine away."

Ok these is my first ever imagine, i did these already in a preference but i changed it slightly and made in more detailed, longer.
I hope you guys like.
I ❤️ you all!