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A bird was chirping outside the window
of a h/c-nette, as she groan when a lights hit her eyes. she yawn as she stretch her arms
and slowly open her twinkling e/c eyes.

she rub her eyes, as she slowly sat up, as her beautiful white wings stretch up high and slowly went down a bit, she hop off her bed as her feet was meet with her soft carpet.

she walk towards her big mirror, and look at herself for a moment until she smile
"Good morning self" she said in soft tone, that makes everyone listen her voice everyday.

by the way, if your wondering who's this angel?

her name is Y/n L/n

she's a angel, and also god favorite angel,
Y/n was super lucky in heaven. Lots of angel
admires her kindness, sweetness, and her talented and everything of her personality is amazing.

that's why god of himself, choose Y/n as his favorite angel platonic.

Y/n died, an year ago. she cannot remember anything about her death, but the god told her to just to forget it. anyways...

Y/n was doing her morning routine as she cooked her (favorite/meal), after cooking she took off her (favorite/color) apron and place it on the counter kitchen.

she sit down on the chair, and sigh, she smile at her own meal and grab the spoon and fork. and started to eat peacefully while humming her favorite song.

after eating, she wipe her mouth with a handkerchief she look at the clock who's hanging on the walk and gasp when she saw is '10:30am'

"I'm gonna be late!" She said and grab her plate and gently put it on the sink and run towards the front door,

she open it, and walked outside her small house and close it behind her. she lock the door after and she stretch her wings for a bit and flap, she started to fly on the air.

and she looked around, and see the angel was minding their own business, laughing, talking, or some of them we're busy working.

half of the angel look up and saw you,
they smile and wave at you as you wave back with a sweet smile that makes everyone mode turn into energetic mode.

while you we're flapping your wings and fly to somewhere, after like flying you finally arrived your location and you landing softly on the clouds and look up and sigh.

'i made it' you thought as you walk towards the restaurant

Y/n is not just like extraordinary angel or same like the other angels, she works in the restaurant who's called 'Sweet Food' is kinda unique name for restaurant but who cares.

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