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today you watch as the god giving the little children a food, god wanted you to company with him so he can spend time with you as his favorite little daughter.

"My lord"

he hummed as he stand up and wave at the children who fly away and heading to their parents. he turns to you, and tilt his head
"Yes daughter?"

you look at him for a moment and took a deep sigh "is it possible that the angel couldn't not allowed to go to hell" the god eyes slowly widened and he clear his throat
"Angels is not allowed to go there........where did you get that from?"

you bite your lower lip, and look down as you play with your hand "i-i just heard it from other angels" you lied, and god sigh and shook his head disbelief "ignore them,
Y/n........how about you and i bake some cake!"

he said happily, and you chuckle and nod
"Of course my lord"

Time skip

michael yawn as he walked inside the throne room to see his father, until he stop his tracks once he sees his angel and his father eating cake together.

god sense something that someone is here
he turned his head where his son stand and he smile widened and his eyes sparkle when he was his son

"My dear son! You've finally come back!"
god place the plate and fork in the table and run towards michael,

michael smile at his father "hello father and hell to you two y/n" he said and looks at you,
you smile at michael and wave at him
"hey michael~ me and your father bake some cake! you want some?"

michael chuckle and nod "sure, i will love some." god look back at y/n then michael is like back and forth 'seeing y/n and michael gets close to each slowly...........i feel like this two meant to be each other!'

god thought, as he was having thoughts of
y/n and michael wedding. but his thoughts cut off when you called out to him, he smile and walk over you and michael.

you slice the cake and place it against the plate, you grab the fork and give it to michael "thanks y/n" you smile and said to him 'no problem' and michael grab the plate and the fork

he slowly eat the cake, and he munch it while having a focused expression while you and the god look at him with nervous face when michael hummed he smile and look at them both

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