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you and michael, we're sitting under the tree in the park as you two we're enjoy talking and laughing each other not noticing a gray eyes we're glaring daggers towards michael.

that gray eyes was belonged to jacob who hiding in the bushes, while Leah whos behind him dumbfounded "jacob they we're just picnic together?"

"more like a date"

he said as he growl under his breath when michael sit next closer to you, Leah sigh as she shook her head disbelief "jacob your definitely unbelievable..."

jacob side glare at her, before he could spoke, he close his mouth when he saw michael stand up when someone approached him hurriedly with panic expression

"Looks like they're picnic ruin" leah said as she form her lips into thin line. jacob sigh of relief when michael left before waving goodbye to you.

he stand up and walked the bushes as leah look at him confused "what are you doing?" jacob hummed and turn around to look at leah "go to y/n" he said and turn around to walk at your direction as leah just hiding in the bushes clearly dumbfounded.

while you we're peacefully sitting under tree you heard someone walking towards you, you look at your right and surprise to see jacob.

"jacob? what are you doing in here."

you said as you move aside a bit as he sit next with you. "I was just uhh....flying around and saw you" he said as he sheepishly scratched his cheeks and you slowly nodding


you two we're awkwardly quiet, none of you spoke or say anything jacob took a deep breath as he looked around and saw a couple flying while smiling each other

jacob smile at the couple wishing it was him and y/n, "oh jacob" jacob flinch when you say his name. "Y-Yes?" he said as he looked at you.

"I was wondering if you could tell me who's your crush?"

you said innocently as jacob face went into white pale "c-crush?" you nod, and you place your both hands in your lap "yes! I won't tell anyone! I promise, crossed my heart."

you said as you cross your heart with your fingers, and jacob look away scratched his cheeks nervously, while leah heard everything and she smirk widened, "i-i uhm....uhhh..."

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