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After reading the magic book, you finally know all the spells. your ears perk up when you heard the door bell you place the book in your bed and stand up and walked out your bedroom and heading to the front door.

wondering who's this someone, you finally arrived at the front door you grab the door knob and twist it to open.

once you did, your eyes widened a bit when you see...


azrael smile at you as he look down at you since he's tall, "is pleasure to see you! Y/n~"
you blink your eyes as you look at outside in left and right then to azrael

azrael and you, we're friends, when michael introduced you to him. you and azrael became like buddy who hangs out a lot and he sometimes visit to your restaurant.

"what are you doing in here?"

he hummed, as he til this head and he place his fingers on his chin pretending his thinking "what am i doing in here hmm..........
visiting my precious friend! Of course silly!"

you blink your eyes twice, and chuckled and sigh "do you have something to do?" he smile as he shook his head slightly "nope! I'm free today! god told me that I should take a break."

you nodding, and you move aside "well then come in" azrael chuckled as he walked inside your house and you close the door and both of you heading towards the living room

"do you need something to drink azrael?"
you said as you looked at him, he nod as he sit down on the couch "yes please~ but! i want a coffee the one you always made for me~"

you chuckled, and nod "sure, be right back.."
you walked out the living room and heading to the kitchen to make azrael coffee.

azrael look around the living room, and he grinned widened as he lean back on the couch and he crossed his legs and place his left arm on the sofa.

as his right arm we're on the arm panet
he waits y/n to come back in the living room after like 5 minutes waiting, he heard the footsteps and he look at the living room entrance and see you entering with a tray and a two coffee.

you smile at azrael and place the tray on the coffee table and grab the cup and give it to him he smile at you charmingly "thank you so much y/n~"

you smile at him and sit next with him, before you grab the other cup of coffee
"Is no problem azrael"

you sip the coffee, and hummed of the taste
azrael smile of the coffee taste and he sigh softly "thanks amazing as ever~" you chuckle and place the cup of coffee on the coffee table and look at him.

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