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you stood up and dust yourself and looked around very confused, 'am i dreaming? or this is a dream?' she thought until she slowly walk towards the pentagram city without knowing

'this place seems different than my home'
she gasp quietly when she see lots of blood and dead people- wait..

she stop her tracks and look at the unfamiliar person who seem already dead
"that person seem different than angels"
she said under her breath but then her face turn into disgust when the blood came out their mouth

she shook her head slightly and walked away quickly 'this is insane! where am i!'
she panic look around as she keep tripping
"i need to get out of here-! Oof!"

she cut off, when she bump into something,
she back away as she rub her forehead
"I-I'm sorry sir-!"

when she look up and gasp when she see a..


she reads about demons, they we're bad people, and also not trustworthy. If that's what the book said?

"What the fuck! watch where you going-! eh?
what the heck are you?" demon #1 said as he furrowed his eyebrow to you when you back away

"hey boss! she looks like a angel! because she has a wings!" Demon #2 said as he went to demon #1 side and point at his finger to you with a shock face

"you're right she is a angel? what kind of angel like you doing in here in hell!" Demon
#1 said and laughed evilly when he saw you  quivering in fear

you never been fear in your life, but this is new to you 'I-I need to get out of here!'
you flinch when a hand coming towards you like a slow motion before the demo could touch you.

you quickly fly up, "what the! come back here you bitch!?"

you fly away as fast you could, while flying you we're getting lost. you stop in the mid air and look around the places, the demons we're having drinking, drugs, sex, and etc.

you never seen them like this, all angels we're like different than this guys. you took a deep breath as you place your hand in your chest when you feel your heart thumping fastly

'I dont remember i got here.......wait let me....
think how in heaven's! did i get here!'
she thought and close her eyes as she try to remember,

𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙚𝙘𝙩 𝘼𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 || Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now