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you've been in hell for 2 days, and you still don't know how to go back. but your also became the chief of IMP, which is kinda surprise for you but they we're very kind to you and they sometimes forget to eat.

you we're in the kitchen humming a favorite song you always listen to until you heard someone clear there throat.

You turn around and see moxxie smiling at you sheepishly "h-hey y/n you need some help?" you hummed and look at your working then him, you give him a sweet smile and nod

"Sure, maybe i should use a little assistant here."

he chuckle and he walk towards your side
"so what should i do?" you point at the onions and garlic that you've been not cutting yet "can you please cut the onion and garlic?"

he nod and grab the knife and the board and the garlic and onion as he cut them into pieces, there was silent for both of them until moxxie spoke

"what will you do when you finally go back to your home?"

you stop all the sudden and slowly turn towards him, you hummed, and look down a bit "well........same as usual" he raise his eyebrow as he was done cutting the onion and garlic

"what do you mean?"

you sigh and look at the pan, and grab the oil "y'know wake up, go to work or something like that..." he nodded slowly and he cross his arms over his chest "so how is it feels to stay in heaven."

you shrug your shoulder and smile a bit
"Is nice and full of kindness souls and innocent" he smile and giggle "so that's why your so kind?"

you chuckle and look at him, "y'know i never been feel this way but..........i just thought of you as a father figure" he's eyes widened and point at himself and you chuckle at his reaction


you nod and grab the onion and garlic and place it in the pan "yep! when i arrived in heaven I don't usually remember of my parents.." moxxie notice your sadness and emotional of your eyes but it quickly disappeared

as you look at him, "i know is weird that i thought of you as father figure in 2 days but i just could help it"

he smile softly and chuckle "i-i don't mind of you as m-my daughter too" you smile widened at him,

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