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while you we're flying around without anybody noticing, you sigh as you feel your stomach keeps growling in hunger.
'welp guess im gonna be starve in death'
she thought

she feels getting tired, cause she keep flying around the Hell's place for 20 minutes and still she cannot find a good food that she cannot caught.

'i miss my own restaurant' you sigh as you close your eyes as you feel the wind hits your s/c,

when you slowly open your eyes, you widened your eyes when you see a tall building

lucky you quickly stop and you look at yourself in the glass, you sigh and rub your temple exhausting "stupid" you said to yourself and you look around and finally you see a...


you raise your eyebrow curios is all over your head as you slowly fly towards the building of I.M.P building

you land on the floor and look around if anyone saw you, luckily no one did, you walk inside the I.M.P building not knowing

as you walked inside you narrowed your eyebrow as you look around the place,
'should i be allowed to come here or something might bad happened to me??'
you thought.

as you look around, you feel sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you saw a kitchen. 'it would be bad if i could just cook?
i mean there's no one in here'

you walk towards the kitchen, once you walk inside you look around and hum
'i should find some ingredients first' you thought and you heading to the fridge and you pull it open

you look over the fridge and see their was lot of lunch box full of names.

"Blitzo? what a unique name" you said under your breath as you took out some ingredients and close the fridge and walk over to the counter

you place the ingredients and smile to yourself and place your two hand on your hips "time to cook!"

"Ahh~ it feels great to be home! Isn't it right
loonie~" A imp tall demon cooed at the wolf girl who growl at him, and walked off but stop her tracks when she smell something she sniff in the air curious is all over her face and confused too

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