The Rave'N

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All people been talking about today was the Rave'n.

I don't really have a date as of now, I'm going to assume Xavier is going to ask me since he is now my boyfriend but the topic was just brought up so he has time.

Wednesday and I are going on a walk and we see a shed.

"Im going to see what is in there. I saw Xavier go in there before" she says

"He told me he has an art shed that he uses for visions. He wants to show me this on his own time so I'm not invading his privacy"

She shrugs and goes in.

I close my eyes and active another power I have, it does deal with heat. I heat nearby tree vines and wait to feel a difference so I can tell if anyone is coming.

I feel a difference in one as my cousin leaves the shed. I know Xavier is probably near.

We take a few steps away and he comes from the side of the shed.

"Y/n? Wednesday? What are you doing here"

"We were just on a walk and then-"

My cousin interupts me knowing I'd probably tell him the truth.

"And then Y/n said that you have a shed. They were looking for you to ask you to the dance"

My eyes widen and I go red.

"Oh wait really? You couldn't wait around for me to ask you huh? " he says smirking at me.

I sigh.

"Wanna go with me to the dance Xavier?"

"Yes of course"

Now it's the next day and Wednesday is in the shed as I wait outside.

Xavier approaches me and he looks confused.

"Hey is something wrong? " he asks.

"My cousin. She is doing something in your shed, I don't know what. But I'm trying my best to stay out of whatever it is"

He sighs and goes inside.

Me and Wednesday are in the dorm before the dance.

"Eugene and I are going monster hunting" she states.

"For what monster? "

Probably the Hyde.

"The one that killed Rowan"

I just nod as there is a knock at the door.

"Coming Eugene! " she says opening the door to reveal Tyler.

"Not Eugene. I read the letter you wrote me. It was sweet I was suprised. Want to go with me to the dance?"


He leaves so she can change.

"Sweet? Really Thing? I don't even have a-"

Thing shows her a pretty dress on her bed.

"Bianca got me a gig for tonight at the dance" I say. I got to starts somewhere with being a singer. It sounds cringey but it is my talent that I want to express.

"For what? " she asks.

"I'm doing a cover of the song Alphabet Boy by Melanie Martinez. Mostly cause my ex will be there from the gossip Enid told me"

Devon, my ex, was a manipulative person I dated last year. He treated me like a baby, like I couldn't be on my own.
That is why I'm singing the song I'mma sing.

"Ew Devon will be there? "

"Yup" I say popping the P.

"What you going to where? "

"This. Made it myself to match her style"

(This is just an idea for if you want to imagine your wearing a dress. Yes it's a pick of Mel lol)

(Feel free to imagine anything else)

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(Feel free to imagine anything else)

"Oh wow that is so cool. Not my style but it matches Melanie's. " she says as I change clothes.

Let do this.

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