16. A bridge

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Christmas break was over. Kazuha and Scaramouche officialy started dating. Scara is often seen at Kazuhas dorm because he nowdays doesn't like to be at home. Kazuha senses something off about him lately, but doesn't say anything. One day Scara tells him what's up himself.                       
,,It's about mom.'' He says randomly to Kazuha when they're looking out of the balcony. Kazuha lives in a quiet place, no neighbours shouting and he has a nice view of outside.         
,,Is something wrong with her?" Kazuha asks looking over to his partner. He doesn't look back, instead he just tilts his head down and sighs.
,,She was calm the first few days without dad. Maybe because we had you over or... i don't know. Now she's.... she started drinking and.." Scara needed to clear his throat to finish his sentence. Kazuha listenes and moves closer to him, hoping that it would make Scara more comfortable talking.
 ,,Saying stuff about me. My sister hates me for it- well atleast I think. She looks at me, like so disguted or something. I thought we all hated him. I thought- I thought that we all didn't like him. For fucks sake do they not remember what shit he has done to us? To mom, to my sister, to me? He basically throwed dishes at mom and told her shit I could never even think of. My sister used to fucking cut herself so what. the. hell. is this." Scara put his head in his hands. Kazuha rubs his back.                                                      ,,You know.. when you were unconscious.. the things I did. We did." Kazuha closes his eyes in distress. He remembers clearly. The things he was willing to do to save that one person. His thoughts. The ones saying not again I can't loose them again  all over again. He remembers seeing Tomo for the first time again and then seeing him on that bridge. That bridge that he used to walk on every single day going to school. Tomo said that sentence to him before falling. He said he loved him. Kazuha came to reality again by a touch on chis cheek. Scaras hand. He backed off.                                                                                                                                                              ,,Sorry I... you never told me what happened back there.." Kazuha looked out at of the balcony.     ,,I lost myself there. I hurt your dad. I almost...." his eyes were watery ,,All of my anger through the years of silence went through. I beated your dad because of my all anger. I think everyone was scared more of me than your dad in the moment. He packed his things and left but.. But he's going to come back." Scara was shocked and at first he didn't even notice  that Kazuha ran off. Right when he heared the balcony door creak open he came to his sences and ran inside a few seconds after kazuha who was quickly putting his shoes on and leaving the apartment. Scara was right behind him. 

Kazuha was running away. Running away from all of his problems again. No. No he wasn't. He was running to show everyone the truth. Everything. He's  going to tell everything. He stopped running as he came to a bridge. 

this story is going to be ending soon. will it have a good ending tho? 

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