Chapter 2

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Chapter 2.1

Lin SuCi’s first reaction was to hold on to the dangerous young man in front of him, pull him to his chest, and throw his arms tightly around him.

No kidding! Since killing others would not be illegal in the cultivation world, he must not give the other person the chance to do it!

The emission of the young man’s chilling aura was interrupted by Lin SuCi who had wrapped himself tightly around him. Forced to have his limbs tangled with those of a naked teenager, despite how calm and restrained he was, the young man was still somewhat startled.

Meanwhile, Lin SuCi seized this opportunity and drew himself closer to the young man, so close that their faces were almost touching each other. He still had the pupils of a beast, and his jasper-like eyes were full of sincerity, “It takes one hundred years of cultivation for two people to ride on the same boat, and it takes ten thousand years of cultivation for two people to share the same pillow. We’ve had 10,000 years of friendship already, how do you have the heart to kill me?”

The eyes of the adolescent in front of him were too limpid, and the pair of cat ears on top of his head, slightly hidden by his hair, added an animalistic naivety to him. He was obviously the unreasonable, yet he looked particularly wronged.

“…You trespassed into the forbidden area. Why can’t I kill you?”

A light flashed across the young man’s eyes when he heard that 10,000-year-long-friendship nonsense. He immediately cast a spell on Lin SuCi, pulled himself away from the other person’s now frozen arms, and stood up, looking down at this stranger who had intruded his cave.

The adolescent lying on his ice bed had black hair draped over his shoulders. He was completely naked, except for a rough chain around his neck. He also retained the black cat’s ears and tail, and his eyes were jasper green. Beyond the ignorance of a cub, there was also some humanity to him.

The youth’s eyes lingered on the chain around Lin SuCi’s neck, as though deep in thought.

Lin SuCi was completely suppressed by the other person, his body frozen and unable to move due to the spell. Seeing that the friendship that arose from sharing the same bed could not affect the indifferent youth, he changed his method, “You said it was forbidden, but you did not stop me. So, you were the one that let me in. How can you blame me instead?”

The adolescent spoke eloquently, and his bright eyes entranced Yan BoShen.

By the time he came back to his senses, his eyes on Lin SuCi looked even deeper.

“Let me go, and let this mistake go with me,” Lin SuCi advised sincerely. “It’s not embarrassing to make a mistake, and it is never too late to make up for it.”

Lin SuCi stared at the other person earnestly. Originally he was only being vigilant, but when his eyes fell on the youth’s face, he could not help but be distracted.

The youth in front of him had a very good appearance, especially that pair of peach blossom eyes, as though like stars in the sky, and a depth that one could drown in. Peach blossom eyes were naturally seductive, and in his eyes was a sea of silence. When looking directly at him, Lin SuCi felt intoxicated, as though he was immersed in the strong aroma of wine.

Lin SuCi suddenly forgot that he was on guard against the person in front of him. His vigilance turned into appreciation, and he openly studied him.

His eyes were too frank, too bright to be ignored.

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