Chapter 48

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Lin Suci ran desperately. His face was distorted with fright, and his voice echoed around the three turns, expressing his horror vividly.

Behind him, was a giant beast approaching him, step by step, which could cause the mountain to shake. It looked the same as the rabbit that Lin Suci caught before, it has just several more times larger.

However, the rabbits that Lin Suci fought before were already huge creatures! Right now, he could not even see the chin of the giant rabbit beast even when he raised his head. Running wildly for his life, he was just so close to the rabbit’s feet before the giant beast finally took a step forward.

Lin Suci’s heart was pounding like crazy.

Unbelievable, that thing was not something he could outrun, because it could kill him in a single step. The smaller rabbits were just at foundation building, could the big one…be at the fusion state?

Lin Suci even tumbled and crawled. Shaking his body, he could not see any talismans, instead, many magical artefacts were poured out.

Lin Suci had no choice. He only had a short time to learn the usage of the artefacts and did not spend much time with Ruan Linggu. Compared to the talismans which he was more capable of, the artefacts might not be the best choice for him.

However, right now, he could only rely on the magic weapons to save his life.

The compass Lin Suci’s hand turned madly, and large trees rose from the ground from the empty grass field. Lin Suci urged his sprit energy, and constantly created twisted vines, which curled around his waist and threw him dozens of feet away.

Upon landing, Lin Suci turned around and took out a hopter (*T/N: A gadget like in the Doraemon Series which allows one to fly).

He rubbed his hands and input energy frantically, and the next moment, the hopter flew into the sky, spinning and creating huge waves of violent wind.

Lin Suci did not have any delays. While taking advantage of the giant rabbit beast being nauseous by the wind and sand, he quickly threw out the red beads one by one from his arms with all his strength.

Patter, patter.

The red bead that was caught in the eye of the whirlwind exploded immediately, sparks of fire flowers shot in all directions.

The mad wind and the fiery fire cooperated, hand in hand, and went straight to the giant rabbit beast!

The huge rabbit’s short forelegs stood up, and the three-lobed mouth roared.

Lin Suci heard buzzing in his ears, and was directly provoked by that powerful energy to spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, he did not even have time to check his injuries. The giant rabbit was no better to face than the big rabbits that were tied up before. With its roar, a cloud was blown in their direction in the gloomy sky. Rain poured down, the raging fire Lin Suci ignited was completely put out.

Lin Suci was dumbfounded. Wasn’t it the earth element! How could it summon rain?

Feeling his soul crumbling apart, Lin Suci shouted, “Boshen! This rabbit played foul!!!”

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