Chapter 50

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Lin Suci stayed at the inn for another two days. By the third day, his body gradually recovered and he could not sit still anymore. He hurriedly carried the rabbit-filled spirit pouch, and prepared to go to the city lord’s mansion to receive the rewards.

When he began his journey, Yan Boshen accompanied him.

At the gate of the city lord’s mansion, there was already someone waiting for their arrival, walking and looking around the stone lion.

The red lacquered gate with gold buckles met their eyes as the stone lions sat beside it. Lin Suci saw it from a huge distance away, and his heart was full of excitement and awe.

“Boshen, Boshen, when do you think we can live in this kind of house?” Lin Suci was all envious.

Yan Boshen: “Do you want it?”

Lin Suci groaned,”I really want to try staying in this kind of mansion. It gives me a sense of grand ritual.”

Yan Boshen did not understand what he meant about ‘sense of grand ritual’, but he knew that Lin Suci had that dream and thoughts.

Lin Suci really yearned for the existence of huge mansions. Anyway, since he arrived in that world, he could see numerous mansions that he had never seen before in his past life. If he could own a mansion of his own, he would get all excited just with that thought.

Lin Suci squinted, and his mind was filled with thoughts of how his lifestyle would be when he really did own it.

“If you want it, we can buy one.” Yan Boshen spoke.

Lin Suci lifted his pouch and proudly said, “I don’t need you to buy it! Now, I am also a person who can earn money to support my family. In the future, I will earn more money. I will buy a big mansion for our family to live in!”

“Good, then I’ll wait.”

The more Lin Suci thought about it, the more he exclaimed in awe. He hit Yan Boshen’s arm and said with a smile, “I will raise you in the future, Boshen. If you want anything, tell me everything.”

Yan Boshen heard him and answered meaningfully, “Don’t worry, I will tell you.”

The person at the gate of the city lord’s mansion saw Lin Suci and the other approaching closer, so he looked intently and greeted them.

“Are you the cultivator who accepted the reward order?”

“Yes, and I’m here to redeem the rewards.” Lin Suci shook his spirit pouch humbly.

“Oh oh, good! These two seniors, please enter. The city lord is already waiting!” The man beamed with joy, checked Lin Suci’s reward order, and bowed to welcome them in.

The city lord’s mansion was very large. Bypassing the hidden wall, two large courtyards could be seen from the left and right. The layout was particularly unique.

Lin Suci was still thinking about his future mansion. Observing the layout of the mansion, his pair of eyes was simply not enough to look at all the details, so he kept looking back and forth.

“This way please.”

The butler led them into a main hall. Someone inside opened the curtain and greeted them with a smile.

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