Chapter 105

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Lin Suci slowly and steadily released his hand, and then even more gently, taking a step back.

He was stared straight at by the man. His heart beat faster, and there was an indescribable excitement all over his body. This is so wrong.

The white haired beauty in the ice coffin was silent. His green eyes were very beautiful, like the most thorough existence in the world. Those eyes and Lin Suci’s eyes were staring at each other. Both of their eyes reflected the figure of the other.


The first to break the deadlock was Li Wen.

He leaned against the ice coffin in surprise, his face was full of shock, “Are you awake?!”

Lin Suci took the opportunity to escape to the back and ran outside. He shouted to Yan Boshen outside with a look of horror, “Boshen, Boshen! It’s incredible! A corpse moved! That person suddenly moved!”

The cat was so frightened that he turned back to his original form halfway, and jumped into Yan Boshen’s arms, desperately trying to drill into his embrace.

Yan Boshen hugged the kitten and grabbed his small paws that kept digging, chuckling.

The kitten’s voice was loud, not to mention the actual person who was mistaken as a corpse inside, even other people in the yard could hear him clearly.

“He’s alive!” Lin Suci said to Yan Boshen while swinging his four claws in the air, “He just stared at me like that! It scared me to death!”

When Lin Suci said that he was frightened, he really was.

He had been carrying the ice coffin for a year. Apart from sleeping, the ice coffin and the white haired beauty inside had been on his back all day and never left. After all, in his heart, that white haired beauty had passed away for many years, and his soul has long left his body. The empty shell was the same as dolls to him.

As a result, the person was still alive. He even opened his eyes in front of Lin Suci and woke up.

Did that mean that all the things he said before were all heard by him clearly?

It’s the end of me!

Lin Suci pulled away Yan Boshen’s clothes and buried himself in Yan Boshen’s arms, with a solemn expression on the serious cat’s face.

His Majesty, the Demon Emperor of the previous generation, would not regard Lin Suci as the monster amongst all monsters after hearing his words, then capture and cook him, right?

Lin Suci shivered.

Yan Boshen hugged Lin Suci and coaxed. He then tried to lean in to kiss him, but Lin Suci scratched his face angrily.

“Bah! Can you be any shameless? I’m still a kitten at the moment, don’t move or do anything!”

Yan Boshen blocked Lin Suci’s sharp claws, and forcefully kissed Lin Suci a few times, eating a mouthful of fur.

After kissing the kitten, Yan Boshen rubbed him and said slowly, “Don’t worry, he won’t do anything to you.”

Lin Suci did not feel comforted, but was still worried, “Do you think he really won’t be convinced by his nephew to come and beat me up? I’m just a little cub, and I can’t stand the beatings of two generations of demon emperors.”

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