Chapter 79

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At first, witchcraft was only used for insects but it was unsure when masters of witchcraft started practicing bewitching people and establishing the evil existence of humans.

The rest of the continents, even the Bihai Continent would not allow that kind of shuddering  matter to exist.

The laws of the Void Realm were indeed difficult for ordinary people to understand and implement.

Qian Qian led them into the house, offered tea and went to get lunch with Wan’er.

It was a cramped small courtyard and compared with the previous Jin Chi’s courtyard, it was smaller by three times.

There were only two wing rooms on the left and right. The main hall was connected to the left and right overhanging eaves. On the blue slab floor under the roof tile corners, a wooden bucket with half accumulated rain was also placed in it.

A lot of moss grew in the corner of the courtyard and a simple shed was built on the wooden strips on the left. Wan’er and Qian Qian rolled up their sleeves and squatted there to prepare ingredients.

Lin Suci looked at those and felt that it was completely different from the original way of life in his memory.

“Sister Qian Qian liked being a beauty. She never possibly went to the kitchen to engage with these rough works.” Lin Suci stood aside and looked for a moment, then turned around to Yan Boshen and told him.

Yan Boshen had already taken off the black color cloak and was wearing a hazel shirt made for him by Lin Suci. A strip of silk ribbon was tied around his waist, making him look gentle and full of a scholar’s aura.

Since he came to the island, he had remained a little quiet until Lin Suci asked. He then slowly replied, “Because of the spiritual energy absorption.”

“The spiritual energy on the island is limited.” Yan Boshen explained, “During the daytime, any outsider cultivators were entirely incapable of absorbing the spiritual energy from the island. The only way to maintain oneself is to eat the food that grows on the island.”

Lin Suci’s main focus was completely off the track, “Are the food on this island disastrous?”

He was deeply worried.

No wonder he was so vigilant. After all, he had read some unusual books. Inside, the book stated many kinds of methods, such as putting poison into food or how there would be something naturally present in the local food that was not beneficial to the human body.

“Unlikely.” Yan Boshen shook his head, “The influence from the Demon Emperor’s island is the reason why we cannot absorb spiritual energy in the daytime. There are no harms caused to the cultivators.”

That’s good. Lin Suci nodded thoughtfully.

If he could absorb spiritual energy just by eating the local food, then it was a great way.

Lin Suci was aroused with interest and rolled up his sleeves to go towards the corner, “Big sisters, need a helping hand? I’ll come and make a fire for you all!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Boshen raised his hand and snapped his fingertips.

In the next instant, the firewood in front of Wan’er and Qian Qian was suddenly ignited. The two young ladies almost screamed from being completely unprepared.

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