Chapter 31

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Just as Lin SuCi had expected, Yan Boshen would never give him the chance to leave his domain of awareness. Not only that, everything that happened here was all within his control. Over here, Lin SuCi tied up Hu Se and the sixth disciple before tossing them into the net. As for the smiling youth who ran away, he was dragged back by a vine.

He could no longer smile. Dragged all the way back, his clothes were torn and ragged, looking as though he had nothing to live for. It was not known what he had experienced along the way, as after being dragged back, he did not even greet Lin SuCi, but instead scrambled into the net by himself.

This spiritual tool that had been prepared for Lin SuCi was now a cage for the three of them.

The night was still dark. Lin SuCi was so sleepy that he was swaying about. Looking at the three people in front of him, he tugged at Yan Boshen. “Boshen Boshen, let’s go back.”

“What about them?” Yan Boshen hugged the kitten with drooping ears, jerking his chin towards the net.

Lin SuCi gestured. “Is there anything I can put them in? I’m really too sleepy, I’ll wait for tomorrow before interrogating them.”

Something that could hold living things… What a coincidence, before they left, Ruan Linggu had specially made a spiritual bag which could now be used. They straight away shoved the net with the three people into the bag, ignoring their screams and shouts, and tied a knot.

With Yan Boshen around, Lin SuCi did not even think about getting lost. He was extremely tired, and what had just happened was like a cloud passing by, leaving no impact on him at all. He just transformed himself into a kitten, squirrelling into the front of Yan Boshen’s robes and went to sleep.

An entire day of hard work, and a spiritual contest at night, Lin SuCi now was very exhausted. His sleep was deep and sweet, his eyelids not even moving at all. He only woke up due to Zhongli Haiming nudging him with persistence to wake him up.

Lin SuCi was pushed all over the place, and he really could not continue sleeping anymore. The moment he opened his eyes, he rolled over and wailed, “Don’t call me anymore, let me continue sleeping, alright…”

“Get up.”

The person who spoke was not Zhongli Haiming, but Yan Boshen whom Lin SuCi was hugging after rolling over.

Only then did Lin SuCi realise that he was in his human form, and had been twisting about in Yan Boshen’s arms. What made him become deep in contemplation was that on Yan Boshen’s leather belt, there were traces of water stains.

Previously, he had been sleeping like a rock, and no matter how Zhongli Haiming tried, he refused to wake up. Now that Lin SuCi had opened his eyes, Yan Boshen finally said, “It’s time to get up.”

Lin SuCi again hugged Yan Boshen’s waist, whining cutely. When he really could no longer delay it anymore, he slowly got up.

The dull eyed little kitten was brought to the lake by Yan Boshen to wash his face. The cold water of the lake finally returned Lin SuCi’s senses to him.
He sat there, and behind him was Yan Boshen tying his hair for him. Surrounding them were some of the disciples from other sects who gathered around their resting area last night. They were in little groups, and all their gazes were watching the two.

Lin SuCi yawned, not paying them the slightest bit attention.

After he finished his breakfast, Lin SuCi leisurely took out the spiritual bag tucked in his chest.

There were not many people left on the grounds. Once the sun came up, everyone continued with their tasks. Those who were supposed to collect the bamboo destroying grass would go and collect them, and those who were supposed to seek out spiritual plants and beasts also went running off. The ones left, other than the disciples of Cardinal Sect, were a few girls and younger disciples.

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