Chapter 115

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    Lin Suci shook his head: "No, no, no, no!!!"

    He refused very decisively.

He is still a brat who doesn't know anything, what kind of apprentice does he take? Is he going to harm his disciples, or let his disciples harm him?

Moreover, the master-student relationship in the cultivation world is not comparable to ordinary relationships. To accept a master and apprentice is to regain a life, a circle of hundreds or even thousands of years, and the most important inheritance.

Lin Suci apprenticed to Qing Fou, and Sifangmen was his root.

It can be said that his half-father Lin Bugui and half-father Qilan combined, do not have the sense of belonging that Sifangmen can give him.

 The matter of accepting apprentices is too important and has nothing to do with him.

    Lin Suci waved his hand: "Look for someone else."

With tears in her eyes, the little girl looked around at a loss.

Those children were all handpicked, and they were basically selected, and there were no stupid people. The little girl glanced over, and everyone was indifferent, neither expressing obvious sympathy nor ridiculing.

 Only a boy beside her, who was thinner than her looked, patted the back of her hand lightly.

    "But I like you. The smell on your body is very kind and comfortable." The little girl choked and stammered, "I can already draw air into my body, I will be very obedient, I will be very attentive, please accept me."

Lin Suci pulled his hair in distress: "Little girl, you should really find someone else. Don't say that you draw energy into your body, even if you are a golden core, it is not up to me to accept you."

He was very free and easy, turned around and left.

    The little girl was in a hurry: "Hey!"
The little boy next to her slowly pressed his hand, and said in a low voice, "...that's all."

The girl stopped talking immediately and looked away from Lin Suci.

Lin Suci did not participate in the whole process of accepting apprentices.

The main hosts this time are Ruan Linggu, Hui Lian and Xiaolan.

Zhongli Haiming was young, and he was still a demon. He was immersed in the pleasure of doing business, and he didn't care about his own practice, let alone teach his apprentices. As for Xu Wuwang, he is a cultivating maniac. Ever since he stepped into the Nascent Soul realm, Xu Wuwangwu has been looking for ways to improve all the time. In just a few years, he is about to walk through the demon world. Let him take the apprentice, I am really afraid that he will directly regard the apprentice as a sword practicing partner.

As for the whole sect, no one expected Yan Boshen to accept disciples.

These children were screened and brought in by Qing Fou from the outside, but there were too many of them, and Qing Fou couldn’t figure out which one was which, so they gave them all to the apprentices, and let them choose by themselves, choose the rest, and keep them. Be an outer disciple.

Lin Suci rested for a few days, and saw that Ruan Linggu and Hui Lian looked at these children every day, touched the bones repeatedly to test their roots, and even took out the better children to practice and test them including behavior of these children.

As for Xiaolan, it was much simpler and more rude. He took out a huge sword and let the children he had his eye on confront him face to face.

Lin Suci looked at it a few times and felt that it was meaningless, so he went to find those little monsters.

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