Her uncle?

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"Who exactly is your uncle" I questioned. "Oh well he prepared for this, well his whole neighborhood did also, he is a psychic he had a dream this would happen and only the believers listened to him so they are most likely safe," she said. "Ya her dad said he was a disgrace to the family for speaking such nonsense," Valerie budded in. "Ok how far is he?" I asked. "Not too far, he lives in Vegas," Annabelle said. VEGAS HERE WE COME!" I hollered. It has been four hours and we are 5 miles away from the main road to Nevada but on the horizon I saw a huge gate that seemed endless I woke up Annabelle and she told me to let her sit on my lap and so I did. We came up to the gate and Annabelle stuck her head out the window and put her eyes on this peephole thing and then it beeped and a very robotic voice said "Welcome Annabelle." A retna scan? Cool, the gates opened and people were walking out of their houses... Wait those aren't people their zombies! I pressed on the gas pedal zooming through the main street not stopping for anything speeding through gate after gate until suddenly the ground opened making what seemed like a secret tunnel men and women appeared through the darkness of the tunnel with guns and started shooting the zombies i sped through the tunnel and then it closed. We were now in a big circle that seemed like a large elevator until we hit a stop they told us to get out of the car. We were walking and we stopped in front of a big door it opened and Annabelle ran in and gave the man behind the desk a hug. "Uncle jack i was so scared but then Nora came and saved me and Valarie and I thought we were gonna die just now," she squealed. "Go to the health office," he spoke with an ice cold tone. I was worried because we had four gaurds taking us there, they opened the door us in then closed the door. A women walked out of the storage area and she was carrying empty needles, which led to a raised eyebrow from me. "Oh no worries sweetie its just that Mr.Johnson demands a blood sample from every guest, so please cooperate," said the nurse with a generous tone. "Are Annabelle and Valarie gonna get blood taken?" I asked worried about them. "Nope were not going to because we already got a vaccination," Annabelle said with too much confidence. "So why do you need my blood," I questioned getting suspicious. The nurse opened her mouth to reply but Annabelle beat her to it,"So the vaccine is fit to your genetic code because immunity is a ceartan gene mutation that changes eight words of your genetic code which makes the code-on for the immunization" Annabelle said then took a deep breath, man that girl needs to learn how to breathe when she speaks. I said ok and the nurse stick the needle in my elbow then took out the blood. She put a little dot on a microscope slide looked through it and gasped. "What's wrong," I asked getting a little scared. The nurse franticly replied "The virus, it's inside you!"

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