RELEASE THE HOUNDS!!! Or in this case the zombies...

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Valerie's P.O.V.


What Belle was planning was absolutely crazy, but I liked it! I mean Belle has always been one to follow the rules and be more reserved than kids our age. But the plan is that I will get the guns and pick the locks with my Bobbie pin because my dad taught me how to (since he is a locksmith) and give Brando and Nora a gun while Belle releases the devil spawns known as the zombies. The only safe one here is Nora and that is because she is naturally immune while the other three of us are artificially immune which means that the vaccine can only do so much. I let Belle keep my magnum for the time being until I can give her a better gun. Brando is in room 666 so that must mean that Nora is gonna be in the room next to him. so I will just go with that gut feeling, I gave Belle a fist bump and ran out out of the closet. I found my way out to the back, but there was a zombie knocked out leaning on a tree by the forest. I quietly tried gathering all of the guns I knew were gonna be useful in this situation, close range with a silencer? Yeah that will work. I was about ready to get out of the car when I heard leaves crunching in the distance. The dumb zombie had awoken from its beauty sleep (that obviously wasn't really working out for her because she could sleep for a million years and still be ugly) I scrambled for the gun with the silencer but had trouble trying to turn off the safety, it took four shots to take it down but it worked, you know what I'll take a sawed off too.

Belle's P.O.V.


After Val ran out of the closet I waited a bit then stumbled out of the closet I wandered the halls looking for a loose brick of some sort to prop open the zombie door when Val gives me the signal. I found an abandoned gold block on a desk, but its just a brick painted gold, but it will work either way. I was waiting by the zombie door when I heard hushed voices, so I crawled into the vent and once again screamed through the vent in the zombie room. Like the other retard the three other dumb doodoo heads locked themselves in, they probably didnt know what room the zombie room was or they dont bother to remember. I heard a whistle of twinkle twinkle little star and I knew that was the signal so i opened the zombie door and shoved the brick under it so it could stay open. I heard zombies slowly step out of the room in the distance. I ran to room 666 to find Brandon, Nora and Val gathered around the bag of guns. Val handed me a rather small sawed off shotgun, Nora got a pistol with a silencer, Brandon got a M14 with scope, and Val of course took back her bullet popper magnum. We were armed and ready to leave since the guys here will be distracted by the dead being unleashed in their "zombie free sanctuary." We were running through the halls looking for the back exit without running into zombies, we saw the exit but it was crawling with zombies so we started shooting at them while running to that door, i felt something grab me by the arm, i turned around to see a walking sack of rotting flesh, a zombie. It wouldn't let go and was gonna bite me but Nora put shot it from where she was dead straight in the forehead. We sprinted out of that hell hole and dived into the car where Nora floored it and now, we are back on the road... But why are Nora and Brandon holding hands?

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