Chapter 12

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October 2
11:10 a.m

Minho looked down at the two throwing knives in his hand. Ever since he got the knives from Hades, he hasn't touched them again. Minho never saw a point in using them. He never wanted to accept anything from the God of the Underworld, but after spending the last few days by himself he realized why not just give them a try.

So there he was getting ready to throw them at the target practice that was meters away from him. He lifted his arm and concentrated on aiming for the bullseye. Minho was about to let go until a voice shouted out for him.

"Minho, I hear you recently discovered a new power you have," said just another random demigod. Minho looked up at the grey sky and sighed. 'Can no one mind there own business? Is it hard? Why do they always have to stick there noses in other people's asses?!' Minho snapped his head at the person and glared. "Assuming by your reaction I guess I'm right?" They huffed while crossing their arms. "So what is it? I'm only asking because I don't want it to be another problem. You know like that one power you have."

Recently, Minho was put in a therapy group by Jinyoung after he had helped out Dean, and in the group he was told he needed to control his anger to not cause another incident.

"As far as we know, you can cause fear, and something about you using the dark. I'm not sure what that means," they kept on blabbering, knowing that Minho was not planning to answer.

'Control the Dark, I moved the shadows one time and all of a sudden I'm supposed to understand what it is, and how to use it. I just wanted to leave the group of people and so I went into the shadows. How was I supposed to know that I would be sucked up and thrown into another area. Too bad there had to be people there to see.'

Minho just decided to ignore them and continue practicing. He raised his arm back and began to aim the knife. "You're the son of Hades, of course I'm going to be cautious of you!" Minho's arm seemed to malfunction in a way, which cause him to hit the edge of the board. Those words had caught him off guard. It seemed as if the person was answering for Minho, and then getting mad at the response they gave themselves. "Just cause you think you're on top because your daddy is one of the big three-"

Minho slammed his hands on the table infront of him and slowly turned his head. "Listen..."

"Joy," they mumbled.

"Wow... for such a nice name, you sure know how to be the opposite of it," he grumbled. No, this is what Minho was told not to do anymore. No more....comments that could get him into trouble. "I am trying to do something, so will you please leave."

"Why should I!"

"Cause I said, please," Minho shook his head. "I'm busy, so why don't you try and yell at me later. I understand you have questions, but right now is not the time." Minho was trying to be polite, and he even put effort into sounding like it.

"Well, I need answers now. I don't care that you're busy," Joy told him.

Minho felt his eye twitch. Did someone send this person to test him, and see if he was making an improvement? He felt like he was talking to the wall. "Fine, then I will leave," Minho nodded and walked to pick up his throwing knife.

"I see why people don't like you," Joy said following Minho. "You get on people's nerves! You're hard to communicate with! You think that everyone should do what you say or ask!"

"It sounds like you're talking about yourself and any other demigods that thinks starting a conversation with aggression is normal!" Minho began to raised his voice. "Why don't you leave me alone and I'm sure we will be fine for the rest of the day. It's too early for this."

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