Chapter 3

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Place: Demigod Park
August 10
4:00 a.m


I was at at the house Jihyo assigned us, which consisted of six other boys. She told me and Changbin that we could sleep on couch couches for now. Also while they got things ready for us. I was staring at the ceiling, now that I had time to rest I couldn't fall asleep. I was tossing and turning thinking about the day I had and everything Jihyo said.


Jihyo and Changbin where sitting in a picnic table while I lied down on the ground staring at the sky. Jihyo was explaining to us how this place was made. "When Jinyoung found out that he was a demigod his life went down hill. His father divided since whrn he was 18 to kick him out of the house, and that didn't go so well with him. It was easier for monsters and other thing to find him. So he later decided to build a place for people just like him. He ask his mother and other gods for help, and they somewhat gladly accepted." Jihyo looked at the sky shook her head.

"Somewhat? You're telling me that they almost didn't agree to protecting their own kids." Changbin banged on of his hands on the table. Jihyo just nodded then sighed.

"Most of the time they don't even care, unless you do something great and make them look good. But, they're some gods that truly do care about us, we just don't know who," She told us. Jihyo turned her head over to me and smiled. I quickly looked away as I felt my face heat up. 'Man her smile will kill me.'

End of Flashback

August 10
8:00 a.m

"Wake up right now, you gotta wakey."
I eyes shot open when I heard a whisper in my ear. "Ah!" I yelled as I sat up quickly then let out another yell when I saw Johnny smiling at me. He waved at me while raising his eyebrows.

"What the heck," I questioned glaring at him.

"Hi, anyway I came over because Felix and Seungmin made breakfast, and I wanted to see if they burned down the kitchen. It's still there." Johnny pointed over to the kitchen. A boy with glasses popped up from behind the counter with a spatula, surprising me.

"Disrespect my food and you won't get any, your lucky Jeongin let you in." He then proceeded to throw a spatula full speed at Johnny. Luckily Johnny ducked. The spatula stuck on the wall and Johnny began to bicker with the brown haired boy about the situation. 'Man these people are crazy, if I do something bad they might end up throwing me a knife.' I let out a nervous chuckle catching the so called Seungmin's attention.
'Where the he is Changbin.' I began to scan the area paniced that my best friend could have a fork in his head.

"Your friend is upstairs showering. Oh, if you want you can go next, and you can borrow some clothes of mine." I nodded and gave him a small smile

12:00 p.m

"Listen hear ladies," Haechan announced. Every one was in the living room, well except one guy who hasn't been home all day. So far me and Changbin have met everyone who lives here. There is Seungmin, Felix, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Haechan, who was holding the meeting. Not counting that mystery guy.

I have standing next to Changbin waiting for Haechan to speak again. "Since we have two new people moving in we have to assign them a room. Which is fine because you guys are complaining about wanting new room mates," Haechan explained. They all began to cheer quickly and one even began to sing. "So, I have a hat right here with your names in it. I'll pull and choose randomly." Haechan showed us the hat and proceeded to pull out names.

"Haechan, and Hyunjin. Oh wait that's me!" Haechan began to laugh and shook his head at himself.

"No! I can't be sucks with the Sun, okay! I love you but you are so loud! I swear I might die," Hyunjin complained stomping his feet on the floor.

"Stop being a dramatic you flower! I am a great roommate," Hae glared at him. "Next is... " he shuffled the papers. "Seungmin and Felix." Seungmin just nodded and leaned back onto the couch. Felix smiled widely and I swore his smile was blinding. Before Haechan could go on the front door slammed open. I jump a bit startled at the sound of the door hitting the wall. "Chris, you're late." My eyes widened hearing his name.

Chris scoffed as walked over to us. "Did I miss anything important," he asked.

"No, we are just finishing up. Okay next, is Minho and um..." Haechan looked at the second piece of paper. He seemed hesitant to read it out loud. "Chris."

'No way!' I wanted to yelled, but decided it was better to show no emotions. "So that just leaves you two." He pointed to Changbin and Jeongin. "You guys can start moving out."  He clapped and quickly dismissed everyone.

2:30 p.m

Chan or Chris was the one who chose the bedroom that we were going to stay in. Our room was medium sized and it had one bed on each side of the room. Well on the right side there was a bunk bed. Chris took the single bed on the left.

Right now we were unpacking boxes. It was just silence in the room, none of us decided to talk well that was until I felt something thrown at me. I looked down to see the in the a hoodie with a rose in the corner.

"Do you want it?" Chris asked not even sparing a glance at me. I picked it up and scanned it for any rips. "Don't worry, it's some what new." I raised an eyebrow at him then looked back the hoodie.

"Thanks." I said but it sounded more like a question.

"Also, don't look through my stuff or go on my bed," Chan said.

"I wasn't planning on it," I scoffed at him. I walked over to my bed and began to put up a blanket covering the bottom bed. I wasn't going to let someone stare at me while I tried to fall asleep.

'This is going to be and interesting rest on the year.'

6:00 p.m

I was outside with Jeongin, Changbin,
Jihyo, and Haechan sitting on the same picnic table from the day before. I was sitting on the table zoning out of the conversation everyone else was in. I was staring at a group of kids, who where beating each other up with swords. I suddenly felt a soft breeze go through my hair.

'Minho,' I felt something whisper in my ear. I quickly looked around me to see who it was, but only saw that no one was paying attention to me. I shrugged it off thinking it was just one my head. 'Minho.' I heard the raspy voice in my ear once again.

"Okay, that's it!" I shouted as I stood on top of the table. "Which one of you Twinkies is saying my name really close it me ear," I questioned them.

Haechan let out a chuckle before answering. "No one is saying your name, you cat." I glared at him before sitting back down.

"Okay," I nodded.

After another 15 minutes I was still zoning out, but this time I was looking up at the sky. 'Minho~,' It was that voice again, but this time it was more aggressive. I got off the table and began to walk, but I didn't know where. It was as if my feet were moving by themselves. "MINHO! Where are you going," Changbin shouted. I didn't respond as I began to run.

Finally when I stopped taking a second to catch my breath. That's when I realized I was standing at the entrance of the 'Dark Forest'


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