Chapter 1

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Please feel free to point out my spelling mistakes, because it's not edited.


Place: New York City....
August 8
11:35 a.m


I was outside the college campus with one of my best friends, Changbin, waiting for our friend Johnny. We were all planing to get lunch, but Johnny was running a little late. "Where the heck is he? He said to meet him at 11:30, yet he's still not here!" Changbin whined. "Plus I'm hungry."

"He's probably finishing up something, not to mention you ate like at 9," I responded.

"Whatever, anyway I have a question."

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Changbin rubbed the back of his neck. "So... when do you plan on going back to your house? I mean, my parents don't mind you staying at our house. It's just that it's been a week since you've gone home. If you're not gonna go home, might as well move in." I cringed at the topic. It was true I was staying at Changbin's place since last week.

"I- well you know, I Hate Going Home! I'm not even comfortable in my own room, the door doesn't lock. Which makes it easier for my mother to walk in screaming about something that I didn't even do!" I raised my voice, but quickly toned it down.

Changbin patted my back and nodded. "Okay, at least go home to get clothes, so you won't have to w- I'm here!" Johnny came running up to us panting. I looked at his face and noticed that he had scratches and blood on his face.

"What the heck happened to you?" I frowned my eyebrows as he began to wobble.

"Oh nothing, I just ran into a pole," Johnny mumbled.

"A pole doesn't do that," Changbin said.

"To be honest, it was a fu- THUD!" Before Johnny could finish he fainted falling on Changbin. "Ah!"

"Minho, get this giant off me!"
I chuckle at Changbin's size compared to the unconscious body. I helped Changbin push Johnny to the side.
"We should probably take him to the nurse's," Changbin said.

"Yeah, but how? You can barely lift up a book."

"Minho, it's to early for your crap, " He began. "Let's drag him."

"We can't do that, we'll scrape his leather jacket."

"Fine, take off your hoodie and put it under him than we'll drag him."

"No, I love this hoodie!"

"I'll buy you another black one later, come on."

"Why not just-," I was cut off by a loud screech. 'What does it take to let us finish speaking?' I turn around to see what the loud noise was and saw a... I don't know what it is.

"What is that?" Changbin yelped.

"A very large bat!?"

"Well, whatever it is, it's coming straight for us!" Changbin started to panic making me panic with him. We were about to run when I remember Johnny was still on the ground. I looked over to look at the so called bat, it was definitely not a bat. It was basically a human with wings and very scary eyes. I grabbed Johnny by the collar of his shirt and slapped him.

"Ow! What the he- Ah!" I snapped my head over to see Changbin getting knocked down by, I'll can her Ugly.

"Oh for the love of God, let us finish our freaking sente-!" I stopped when I felt claws drug into my shoulders. I didn't scream at the pain, I instead made a painful face. I was begging lifted up from the ground, meanwhile Changbin was on the sidewalk trying to hit, 'Wait there's two!" Ugly 2.0.

"I thought I killed you two!" Johnny shouted.

"What!?" Changbin and I yelled at the same time. I put my hands on Ugly's chicken feet and did the same thing she did to me. Ugly began to scream, dropping me 7 feet. ( 216 cm?)

Fortunately for me, I landed on my feet but quickly fell on my butt. I was shocked when I saw Johnny pull out a sword out and cut off the head of Ugly 2.0. Changbin shrieked as some on Ugly 2.0's blood fell on him. Johnny quickly moved onto the one above me and did the same. I was just sitting there with my mouth opened in shock and disbelief. Johnny grabbed my arm and said "I'll explain later, but it's not safe here anymore."

"What do you mean?" Changbin questioned.

"Not now, come on let's go."

"Where, you big sasquatch!" I shouted as I was being dragged to who knows where.

"Fine, I'm taking you two to a small place for people like you." Johnny responded frustrated with me.

"You mean normal people." I was completely confused with all that just happened, I don't know if I'm dreaming. I must pinch my self, and that's exactly what I did. "Ouch," I whispered.

"No, you're not normal."

"Wow, thanks. You don't think I know that!" I said sarcastically. A few seconds went by before I spoke again.
"Booger, I'm about to slap you on that beautiful face," I threatened.

"Changbin, make Minho shut up!" Johnny demanded. Changbin nodded and told Big Foot to let me go. The gnome tackled me into the ground getting on top of me.

"What are you doing. No, get off you Smurf!" I shouted as he started to take off my hoodie. Changbin used the sleeves of the of the hoodie to cover my mouth.

3:00 p.m

Let me tell you I don't know how I got here, but I'm on a plane heading to Los Angeles, California. Before we got on this plane, Johnny made us get clean and change, especially Changbin. I was to tired for this, I have no clue on what the hell is going on. It's like when your parents or guardians call you to speak. You know you didn't do anything wrong, but you still get all nervous, because you don't know what you guys are going to speak about. Does that make sense?

7:00 p.m

We got off the plane about fifteen minutes ago and we where now in a car that Johnny was driving. We where literally in the middle of nowhere.

After twenty more minutes the car stopped. "We're here," Johnny announced.

"Great. Changbin, this is how me and you die. I can see the headlines 'Johnny Seo killed best friends in the middle of nowhere with a shovel,'" I said getting out of the car with the other two.

"I'm not going to kill you, at least not yet," He mumbled the last part. I shot him a glare and looked over to see Changbin holding his stomach.

"Are you okay," I asked.

"Yeah, just a bit car sick," He reassured me. I noticed that John was on the other side of the ride putting his hand on nothing. It was as if he was looking through a book self for the secret passage way. Changbin was squinting his eyes to make sure he was seeing correctly. All of a sudden, he disappear, leaving me and Changbin. I swear to myself that my soul left my body.

Changbin look at me and smiled nervously. "You know, maybe the next head lines will be 'Best friends, Minho Lee and Changbin Seo, accused of Johnny Suh's disappearance.'"




First chapter done! Also, I don't know if it makes any sense I tried.
I hope it was somewhat interesting.


              - Lee

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