Confusion and Decisions~ Draco and Hermione Secret Love Story

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~J.K Rowling owns all rights to these characters~

Hermione's POV

"Hermione Jean Granger! Are you ready yet?" My Mother shouted up at me.

"Yes, I'm just coming now!" I said, levitating my suitcase down the stairs.

"Are you sure you are allowed use magic outside of school?" My Mother asked

"Yes Mum, I am 18 now!!" I said, rolling my eyes. She is still terrified that the Ministry was going to come knocking on our door. I still find it funny to see the look on her face when she see's me using magic.

"OK. But if I have any member of that Ministry for Magic knocking on my door, you are in serious trouble! Do you hear me?" She said in a stern voice.

"Yes Mum!" I said with a cough, trying to suppress a giggle. It worked.

*knock knock*

"I'll get that, you get the rest of your things ready. I don't want you missing the train!" My Mother said, walking toward the front door. I went back up to my room to get my wand.

"HERMIONE GRANGER. Get down here now!" She screamed.

Oh no! What had I done?

I ran down the stairs and she called me into the Kitchen. Kingsley Shakebolt was standing by my backdoor.

"Why is the Minister for Magic standing in my Kitchen?" She asked, in a very serious tone.

"Because you let him in?" I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Don't get jokey with me, young lady! What have you done?" She asked like I had to have done something to have the Minister for Magic in our house. I thought the same for a minute.

"Mrs. Granger, as I tried to explain earlier, she has done nothing wrong. I just need to speak with her!" He said. My Mother's face relaxed.

"Fine!" She said.

"I am here to invite you to my Private party. You Harry, Ron, Ginny and others who helped me during the War have been invited." Kingsley said.

"Thank you. But won't we have school?" I asked.

"Yes, but Minerva has cleared for all of you to come, and besides it's on Saturday. So please bring something suitable to wear. It is a black tie event!" He said.

"Of course." I said

"Also, I have something for you!" He said rummaging in his pocket.

"This is a brand new book, made just for you! It contains every lesson you have ever taken, every potion you have ever made and every spell you hae ever cast and will ever cast. I have had it made so that each chapter is a book in itself. I hope you like it!" He said handing me the Gold and Scarlet covered book.

I opened it, and inside the cover was a picture of me, Harry and Ron, with a picture of me and Ginny underneath. I teared up just thinking about how special this book was to me already.

"Also, I hope you don't mind, but I got some pictures from Molly and others, just as reminders about the good times you have had during your school years." He said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I looked up from the book, my eyes full of tears of joy. There were no words at this minute to describe how happy I was. I held back the tears and walked over and hugged him.

"Kingsley, it is beautiful. Thank you so much!" I said.

"Your Welcome. Well we must get going. Don't want to miss the train now do we?" He said.

"Your coming on the train?" I asked, pulling away from his hug

"Yes, I have to talk to new teachers and with Minerva. I can apperate to Kings Cross with you if you like?" He said. I smiled.

I turned around, and saw my Mother, who I forgot was sitting in the same room, standing up to walk out of the Kitchen.

"Mum, aren't you gonna say goodbye?" I asked.

"One second!" She said and went into the living room. I was confused, was there something more important in the Living Room than saying goodbye to her only daughter.

A minute later she returned with a Laptop in her hand.

"Minister, is there any way this could work in Hogwarts? It's just I don't get to see Hermione as much as I like and I have recently discovered the joy's of a webcam. I think communicating by owl isn't as personal as I'd like it to be!" She said, finishing her little speech.

"Can I have a look at it?" He asked holding out his hand. My Mother looked weary but gave it to him. He took out his wand and said an incantation under his breath. The computer glowed white for a few seconds before returning to black.

My mother's eyes were wide and her face looked a little like she was in shock. I laughed a little to myself. Ever since I was 4, and I started showing signs of magic, she has a shocked look on her face when ever time Magic is done in front of her.

"This shall work Perfectly now. There is no need for a charger or electricity and you will always have access to the internet, wherever you go!" He said handing me the computer.

"Thank you Minister. And thank you Mum. Did you go buy this especially for me?" I asked

"Yes, I wanted to see you as much as I can." She said blushing a little

"Oh Mum!" I said, pulling her into a hug. "But remember, you can't call me during class time." I said.

"I know I know!" She said.

"Hermione, I hate to break you up, but we really should get going!" Kingsley said.

"Your right. Bye Mum. I will call you tonight! About 8.00?" I said

"I'll be waiting!" She said and hugged me once before I went and got my trunk. I put my newly acquired book and computer in the trunk and gripped the handle and Kingsley's hand.

"Bye Mum!" I said just before we apperated away.

We landed in an alley way just around the corner from Kings Cross Station.

"Let me help you with your trunk." Kingsley said taking the other handle of my trunk while we walked to the station. This year I decided to leave Crookshanks at home. Mum and Dad said they would take good care of him for me, and I trust them. All they have to do is feed him and bathe him. Not too much trouble.

"What have you got in this trunk Hermione?" Kingsley asked humour in his voice.

"I like books, OK?" I said matching his humour. We walked straight over to where the trolley's were and placed my trunk on the nearest one.

I started to push my trolley through my familiar surroundings when my hands were pushed away and Kingsley took over.

"Kingsley, I can push it myself!" I said

"I know, but I havn't done anything like this in a very long time. I have people who do everything for me. Can you just leave me be?" He asked

"Sure, go ahead!" I said.

"So are you still with Ron?" He asked. How in Merlin's name did he know about that?

"Ermm, yea. It's nothing too serious though!" I said. I liked Ron, but I couldn't see myself with him for the rest of my life. He was too childish for my liking.

"Of course!" Kingsley said, he looked as if he was going to say something else but we reached the barrier. The Weasleys were all standing in the queue to go through the barrier.

"Hermione, Kingsley!" Molly said, rushing over to us. She hugged each of us in turn.

"Hermione why is the Minister pushing your trolley?" She asked

"He took it from me and when I told him I could push it myself he said he wanted to do it." I said with a little shrug at the end.

"OK. Well come on, come on, join the queue." She said pushing me toward where Harry, Ginny and Ron were standing. I hugged Harry and Ginny and was about to hug Ron when Kingsley pulled me away.

"Hermione, can I see you for a second?" Kingsley asked

"Sure. Back in a minute!" I said.

"Something is moving in your trunk!" He said

"What? That's impossible!" I said.

"Well we can't check it here. People are gonna get suspicious if I take out my wand. I'll ask Molly can we go through first." He said in a whisper.

I nodded.

"Molly, would it be OK if myself and Hermione went through first, it's just that there is something moving in her trunk and I can't check it here because I can't take out my wand!" He said.

"Of course, of course! Ginny, let Hermione and Kingsley go ahead of you!" Molly said. Ginny smiled and pulled her Trolley back so we could go ahead.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yea, lets go!" I said and I pushed the trolley alongside him. We went through the barrier with ease and pulled straight over to the side so we could check my trunk.

I took out my wand and pointed it at my trunk while Kingsley opened the locks. We pulled back the lid and I saw something I was not expecting.

Crookshanks was sitting in my case, looking up at me. I sighed in relief and put my wand back in my pocket. Crookshanks jumped out to me and purred up against my leg.

"Errm I have no cage for him. What am I going to do with him?" I asked.

Kingsley picked up a rock and changed it into a cage for a cat.

"Thanks." I said placing Crookshanks in the cage and closing the door.

"That cage will only last for 48 hours, so I will send you another cage tomorrow!!" He said.

"Thanks. You have been a big help to me today!" I said.

"Glad to be of assistance!" He said with a smile on his face.

"Come on, we better get on the Train!" Kingsley said.


"Hey guys!" I said as we searched for a compartment.

"Hey!" Harry said.

"The compartments are all full. Where we gonna sit?" Ron said

"I nearly forgot. I have a compartment for myself on the train. We can sit there." Kingsley said.  He turned around and we all followed. We reached a compartment and Kingsley went inside.

"Stay here for a second. I just wanna make a few adjustments." He said closing the door behind him.

"OK. All ready. Come on in!." Kingsley said.

"Wow. Kingsley, this place is amazing!" Ginny said from inside the compartment.

"I know! Look at all this food!" Ron said. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I stuck my head in the room to see what it was like.

"Kingsley, that is amazing. So luxurious!" I said.

I went and sat on the large plush bench.

"Oh yes, Hermione, Minerva asked me to give you this. She apologises that it's so late. But better late than never!" He said handing me a letter.

'Dear Hermione Granger,

        I apologise that this letter hasn't made it into your  possession earlier.

 I am happy to announce that yoou have been chosen as this year's Head Girl. Enclosed in this envelope is your Head Girl badge. Take care of it, although I know you will. Let me be the first to say, Congratulations. I know you will do wonders for this school.

           Headmistress McGonagal'

I looked into the envelope and saw a round badge at the bottom. It had the Gryffindor Lion on it and changed into 'HEAD GIRL'.

Kingsley smiled at me.

"Congratulations. You deserve it!" He said.

I looked back at the badge and the letter once more and I screamed. Ron, Harry and Ginny all turned around to see what was happening.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"I'm HEAD GIRL!!!" I screamed at her.

"Congratulations!" She said running over to me and hugging me.

"I'm gonna miss you!" She said.

"What? Why?" I asked

"Well you won't be living in Gryffindor with us anymore!" She said. Oh yea! I forgot that Head Girl and Head Boy share a Common Room. Oh God. Who was Head Boy?

"Who is Head Boy?" Ginny asked as if reading my mind.

"I dunno. The letter doesn't say who." I said.

"I'm so happy for you" Ginny said.

"Your not staying in Gryffindor?" Ron said

"Sorry!" I said. He looked upset by that.

"I will see you everyday!" I said.

"I know but it won't be the same!" He moaned.

"Oh stop moaning!" I said in a mock voice. He smiled straight away.

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