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~J.K Rowling owns all rights to these characters~

Hermione's POV

I awoke the next morning, after sleeping a peaceful sleep. Although I couldn't remember what I had been dreaming about, one picture kept popping into my head. It was me, lying on my bed with someone's arms wrapped around me, in a protective way. I liked it. I'm pretty sure it was Ron. It could only have been a dream because the most contact me and Ron have is holding hands. He never holds me. Never!

I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock at my door.

"Good Morning Malfoy!" I said.

"Good Morning. Just thought I'd wake you up. Class is in 45 minutes." He said.

"OK. Thanks!" I said and he walked away. I couldn't help but watch him as he walked away, the way he walked, how firm his butt looked. Stop it Hermione! Once again, this is Malfoy!! You like Ron!

I mentally slapped myself for thinking about Malfoy like that.

I got dressed quickly and went to the Common Room. Malfoy was sitting on the couch reading a book when I came out of my room. He closed the book when he heard me coming.

"Finally ready I see!" He said.

"Were you waiting for me?" I asked.

"Yes, I thought it would be nice to walk to Breakfast together." He said

"OK. You ready?" I asked.

"Yup. Lets go!" He said getting up from the couch.

"So what classes have you got today?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

"Muggle Studies, Transfiguration and double Potions." He said.

OK. That's just creepy. He has all the classes I have today.

"Wow. We have the same classes today!" I said

"Really?" He asked. I nodded.

"Cool. Not really in the mood for Muggle Studies first though!" He said.

"Me either. None of my friends are doing it this year!" I said. Harry said he lived as a Muggle too long and didn't want an exam on everyday life, Ron thinks Muggles are boring and Ginny thought the class wouldn't help her. I love Muggle Studies.

"Same here. None of my friends wanted to do it. Hey, wanna sit together?" He asked.

"Sure!" I said as we walked through the doors of the Great Hall.

"See you in class!" He said walking to the Slytherin Table.

"Hermione!" Ron called as he saw me walk in.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked, sitting beside Ron.

"Oh nothing. Hey what class have you this morning?" Ron asked.

"Muggle studies then free period. You?" I asked. This was always the extent of conversation with Ron.

"Oh I have Divination first, Transfiguration then Charms." He said.

"Cool. Wat bout you Gin?" I asked.

"Divination, Transfiguration and Double Potions." She said.

"Yay we have Potions together!" I said. She smiled and turned back to her food.

"Harry?" I asked, noticing he had been very quiet since I sat down.

"Oh, errmm I have Divination first, Transfiguration then Charms!" He said turning his attention back to playing with Ginny's hair. They were so cute together. Why couldn't me and Ron be the same? Ginny's boyfriend showers her with love and affection while mine stuffs his face with food and cares more about Quiddich than his own girlfriend!!!! So frustrating.

Confusion and Decisions~ Draco and Hermione Secret Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now