What The Hell?

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~J.K Rowling owns all rights to these characters~


Potions now. So did not want to go to that class. Harry was in that class. But so were Pansy, Blaise and Ginny, so it was all OK. I had asked Blaise a while ago if I could be his partner instead. He agreed, saying "I'm not having you near Potter". He must have spoken with Draco, because Draco is always stressing how I should stay away from Harry. I agreed. He was nothing but trouble.

He may have saved the Wizarding World, but that doesn't give him the right to be a complete and utter dick. I keep getting owl's from him. I take one look at the envelope and put the letters into a box. I told Draco what I'm doing, so he doesn't think I'm purposely hiding them from him.

Draco was in Charms now, and I wanted to be with him. Every class I wasn't with him, I missed him so much. It was only for 40 minutes, but that was a long time. Kingsleys.'s party is in 3 days, and I am shitting it! Draco is a Malfoy and, although Kingsley said he had cleared it with the other guests, I still feel they are going to treat him differently. And I don't want that. I want him to be treated like he would if he was any other person.

Harry was probably going to have people change their opinion on him, as he will with Blaise and Pansy. Can't he accept that I'm with Draco now and Ginny's with Blaise?

I wish he would just grow up and accept that we all make new friends.

"Hermione" Blaise said as I waited outside the classroom. I always waited for Blaise. Draco asked me to. I had planned on doing so before Draco asked me to.

"Alright Blaise" I said and we walked in.

"Looking forward to tonight?" I asked.

"Of course. I must thank you. You have been great in helping us set up. Me and Ginny really appreciate it" He said.

"Well, this will be like your first proper date. It has to be special. Besides, you needed my clearance to be out later than curfew." I said smiling.

"Class, settle down" Professor Dryant's booming voice said from the door.

I heard Blaise fake a sigh beside me and I smiled. Everybody hated Professor Dryant. He was such a drag and never gave any slack. Not that I needed it.

"Today we are to be making a Confusing Concoction" He said.

I was currently doing a little victory dance in my head. I had started making it in 2nd year, and I just get better and better at it.

"Why does he have to give us such an advanced potion? Nobody is going to be able to make this. It's like the hardest potion ever" Blaise complained.

"Begin" Professor Dryant said.

"Blaise. It's a very easy potion. I made it for my first time in second year" I said.

"Yeah right" He said smirking.

"It's true" Ginny said, backing me up.

"Wow. We have this in the bag" He said.

"It shouldn't take too long. Just do what I tell you and we will get along fine" I whispered. He nodded and went off to get the ingredients while I started the fire under the cauldron.

"Chop the Gillyweed" I whispered. He did so and added it to what was already in the Cauldron. I stired it properly and watched it change colour.

"Add the beetles heads" I said.

I stired again.

"What's the desired colour?" Blaise asked.

"Brick red" I said, satisfied with my now completed potion.

Confusion and Decisions~ Draco and Hermione Secret Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now