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The camera pans over a sandy crescent shaped island, with palm trees and ocean all around. Carolina is seen standing on the beach, facing towards the ocean.

Washington: Hellooooo? Carolina?

Carolina: (turns back to face Washington, and South) Sorry, must have spaced out. Any luck?

Washington: No sign of Agent Illinois.This is definitely his place though.

Carolina: How can you tell?

South: It's kinda obvious.

Cut to a picture frame with York, Carolina, Illinois, North, and Wyoming relaxing, all with drinks in their hands. Wyoming is sitting on the side, his arm resting on a chair that York and CAROLINA are both sitting in, with York's hand around Carolina's shoulders. North is in front of them giving the "peace" sign, with Illinois in front holding a bottle of beer.

Washington: Really takes you back, huh?

Carolina: Sure does

South: (detached) Ya.

Washington: (talking about York and Carolina) You two look cozy.

Carolina: Pretty sure I hit him for doing that.

Delta: You did.

The four. walk back outside, towards the ocean.

Washington: Seems like our friend left in a hurry. The only thing missing from the place is his armor.

Carolina: But where did he go?

Delta: There are no signs of him leaving.

Washington: No note. Your guess is as good as mine. Good call in finding him here though.

Carolina: (turning towards Washington and South) What do you remember about Agent Illinois?

Washington: Demolitions expert. He wasn't top tier, but he was a crack-shot with a rifle––

Carolina: I mean out of the armor.

Washington: Oh, uh...I never knew him.

South: North did but he never talked about Illinois much.

Carolina: Illinois was always... different. He wasn't ambitious or competitive like the rest of us. He didn't fight for an A.I. or screw over his friends to get placed higher in the rankings. Instead, he was doing a job and dreaming up a life after. Of an island chain that stretched around an entire planet. A shack by the water, with a bar of spiced rum, and a tiny red sailboat. He did it.

Washington: I didn't realize you two were close.

Carolina: We weren't. He and York were drinking buddies though. I heard all about it hanging out with him.

Washington: Uh, York, huh? This must... reopen some old wounds. I-I'm sorry.

Carolina: Sometimes, I think York was my chance at a fresh start. I threw it down an elevator shaft.

Delta: You didn't know better.

Washington: You're being too hard on yourself. You've changed over the years, I've seen it myself.

Carolina: I've grown from being a dishonorable killing machine to an honorable killing machine. That's quite the journey.

South: We've all changed.

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now