Blue Ve Blue

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Open to Loco looking at a screen.

Loco: Working! It's working! It's alive! (Forced evil laughter)

Temple: For real?

Loco: Yes, the resonance cascade is going! the drill is drilling! And the door, the door will be opening too! Hooray!

Temple: Loco, you magnificent bastard! I love you right now!

Surge enters

Surge: Let's not pop the champagne just yet. The Reds and Blues are inside the facility. They have breached the outer defenses! And Alan is dead.

Temple: FUCK! Oh, well, whatever. Surge, hold them off. You just need to buy us time.

Surge: But I don't have the re-

Temple: But nothing, Grunt! A soldier follows orders, no matter what. You taught me that. So, make good on that, and buy us some motherfucking time.

Surge: Sir, yes, sir! (Leaves)

Loco: Ooh! They're here! Oh boy! I-I have to get something from the ship.

Temple: Woah, like hell! You need to stay here and watch these controls!

Loco: It runs itself! Plus, I'll be real quick!

Temple: Fine. But listen, Loco. The Reds and Blues are our mortal enemies. If you see them, you have to kill them. Got it?

Loco: OK. (Runs out)

Temple: And make it quick.

Cut the Blood Gulch Crew, Carolina, Jax and Dylan standing in an area of the base

Tucker: Listen up, mission's simple. Find that crazy machine and shut it the fuck down.

Will: Probably won't be simple.

Simmons: Uh, which way?

Tucker: No choice, we've got to split up. Reds, head thataways. The Blues and me and Carolina will take the other door.

Dylan: That was a hell of a hike up here, Carolina South. Are you two sure you don't need a minute?

Carolina: Yes, I'm sure. If I take it easy, I'll be fine. You, on the other hand?

South: Maybe not.

Dylan: Jax and I will stay here where it's safe for us. It's better that way.

Tucker: Let the record state that we all know you're lying.

Alex: Ya lady your just going to follow us later.

Dylan: Duly noted.

Tucker: Take Donut Delta and South for protection at least.

Donut: I knew I wore my latex armor for a reason!

South: Ya I'll stay behind good idea.

Delta: It would be logical.

Grif: Why does Dylan get both the human shields? And South and Delta.

Sarge: Reds! On me! As far as days to die go, it's a little overcast. So, let's check our corners and make these bastards pay!

Tucker: Blues! Let's light the fires and kick the tires!

Alex: We're going to be here for a while.

Sarge: Reds! Let's dance with these monkeys and give 'em what for!

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now