Belly of the Beast

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Cut to a shot of whale creatures swimming around outside the Blues & Reds' base

Dylan:(voice over) You know the story of Jonah?

Cut to Jax and Dylan in the base watching the whale things through a window.

Jax: Mm, that does ring a bell. Was that on ?

Dylan: The Bible, actually. Jonah was swallowed whole by a whale.

Jax: Belly of the beast, huh? Sounds like this "Bible" ripped off Aliens.

Dylan: I feel a bit like Jonah right now. But this whale has secrets. I dunno about you but I am sick of being sidelined.

Jax: Ooh! Are we gonna do some snooping around?

Dylan: Nooo, I'm gonna do some snooping around.

Jax: Oh, come on, you know I could help! I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm pretty good at randomly bumping into things that move the plot forwards?

Dylan: You've got something more important to do. I need you to distract someone while I look around. (whispering) I think the Blues and Reds have Sarge spying on us.

Sarge: (off screen) NUH-UH!

Cut to reveal Sarge watching them from across the room.

Sarge: (suspiciously) I, uh, I was just walkin' by! I didn't hear you say exactly what you said just now! (walking away) See ya later ! Bye! Gotta go! Woo!

Jax: (beat) I think you might be onto something.

Cut to Jax approaching Sarge while Dylan watches from the shadows.

Jax: Hi, there... Mr. Sarge.

Sarge: *grunts*

Jax: (hesitant beat) Sarge, have you ever considered a life in show business?

Sarge: Ha! That's ridiculous. Show biz is a young man's game. And I was an old man when your old man was a young man. Young man.

Jax: Not necessarily. Some people do get into it late- eh later.

Sarge: Well, despite my chiseled frame and iconic eyebrows... I, am a soldier! Not a movie star!

Jax: Ya' know, you remind me of R. Lee Ermey. He was a marine. A real one like you. He was consulting on Fullmetal Jacket and he was so good that Kubrick cast him in the actual film right then and there!

Sarge: Really? Well, ain't that a wing dinger!

Jax: I'm actually writing a military drama myself at the moment. (walking away) But if your not interested, I guess I could check with Surge. Apparently he studied at Julliard.

Sarge: Halt!

Jax stops.

Sarge: (cont'd) Now don't you go puttin' words in my mouth! I never said I wasn't interested. Now what exactly is this movie about?

Jax: It's a military courtroom drama about a drill sergeant who has to defend himself in court after an accident during a drill gets his whole squad killed.

Sarge: Sounds fantastic! I've long fantasized about Grif dying horribly during routine training exercises. When can I see the script?

Jax: Script? Ugh- Yes, of course. I-I mean once you have the part of course, of course. There's an audition first.

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now