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As DYLAN, JAX, and the Blood Gulch Crew stare in shock, CABOOSE slowly turns to see CHURCH standing on the other side of the portal, in Blood Gulch from all those years ago.

Church: What the FUCK guys?! I came up here for some peace and quiet!

Dylan: (shocked) What on Earth is happening?

Jax: (scoffing) Loco's machine opened a portal to the past! Jeez, Dylan, try to keep up.

Tucker: Oh, no-freakin'-way!

Alex: This should be impossible,

Loco: (last gasps) Hurry! Hurry, Caboose... you don't... have... long...

Caboose slowly approaches the portal.

Tucker: Caboose! Pull him through!

Will: Before it closes hurry.

Caboose: No, Tucker, Will. I... I know what I need to do.

Church: Seriously, what the fuck is happening right now? Is there something in the water?

Caboose: Church... Church, there's a lot of things I never got to say, and... I know I won't get another chance to say them, so: I think you are cool. Like, super awesome, amazing cool and... I, I always felt like really awesome too, when we were hanging out together. You know, I never really felt sad...when you died, because––

Church: Whadyou mean when I died?!

Caboose shushes Church by putting a finger against his visor through the portal (hello animation contrast).

Caboose: Shh, shh, sh. (on the verge of tears) I-I never felt sad when you died because I couldn't imagine a world without you. But I know it's real. I... I know. And I'm sad. Things...things really aren't okay without you. But I know with my other friends––who, even if you add them all up together aren't really cool as you––I know we're all gonna be okay. (firmer) I know we're all gonna be okay. (with finality) I know we're all gonna be okay. Go back to heaven now, Church. And say hello to Loco when you get there. He was alright too.

The portal closes on Church as he speaks.

Church: All right! Which one of you asshats wants to tell me what the fuck is going on right now?

As soon as it closes, the machine begins to overload.

Sarge: What in the name of Patton's gray ghost was that?!

South: Time travle I guess.

Delta: That should be impossible.

Simmons: I don't know if we're gonna be around long enough to parse together a theory!

Dylan: We're out of time! We need to do something!

Tucker: Like what? Shoot it?


Jax: Oh! No, we need a sacrifice!

Dylan: Shut up, Jax.

Jax: No, listen! That's how this always works! One of us needs to heroically sacrifice themselves while giving an emotional monologue!

Delta: Church did do that,

Sarge: Dammit, he's right!

Dylan: What?

Tucker: Sarge!

Sarge: But who's willing to lay down their life to save everyone else...?

Red Vs Blue Season 15 male ocWhere stories live. Discover now