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Everyone online wears a mask and changes it on a whim to fit in with whatever fucking group they want, whatever fucking group is popular, no matter who they fucking hurt and leave behind. High school fucking ruined it. It was a fucking catalyst for everything to fall apart. I thought junior/middle school was bad enough but high took it so much further. Like hello? Where'd all my friends go? Oh wait, they lied. They lied and left. Some I would play with online. They were, even though now I don't wish to admit it, some of the best people I knew at the time. I thought that we'd at least stay together as the semi large group we were. Guess what? We all slowly stopped talking. Me and a friend left the large gc chat on Instagram, I had some personal stuff going on and just felt as if there was no point being in a chat that I almost immediately muted due to message spam. A little while passed and it was me, the friend who also left the chat, who is actually on this app and two others left. And the other two ended up falling out with me and subsequently my friend due to lying to a mutual about speaking to me daily. Basically a really stupid thing broke our entire friendship apart and left me and my friend alone. That one fucking friend helped me out of a semi bad relationship but then an online disagreement on this fuckin app led to a dm back and forth before we eventually stopped talking and I was removed as a friend by them online. So now what? Oh yea, I was entering college with zero of them backing me and just being there for me.

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