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Stop trying to bring someone else into this. Stop fucking going on and on about wanting other people. You want someone else? You can have someone else but I fucking refuse to be apart of it. You wanna add someone else? Fine by me but you'll be finding two new people instead of one. We agreed, we both fucking agreed that we wouldn't add anyone else. I don't want to be apart of this. I don't want to continue with anything anymore. I fucking know the shit you've been saying. Oh and by the way, I don't rely on you for everything. I don't rely on you for attention. If you want to start bringing up the idea of more people then I'll start looking else where as well since I don't want to continue with a random fucking person added. I don't care if we are mutuals with them, I don't care if it's a friend. I'm not staying if that's the case. I don't care how far we've come. I've said no thousands of times, I've told you I'm uncomfortable with it, I don't like talking about it. You give me mixed signals. You tell me you want to do this then when I go along with it purely to get you to shut up, you get pissed that I want to do it. If you continue this shit, we're over. I can't keep going through the fucking days telling you over and over again, that no I don't want to do this, no I'm not comfortable with this, hey see this thing I told you was a hard no? Guess we're doing it anyways.

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