Chapter 21

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Amari POV January 10th

"Hey you okay?" Cam asked me. I shook my head no. "I should be asking you that." I said looking the bruises and the whip marks on her stomach. I can't help but think this is my fault somehow.

"Eh it's alright it doesn't hurt that bad. Plus my pain tolerance is high." She said smiling sadly. "I'm sorry." I said tears brewing in my eyes. "There's nothing to be sorry about, things happen it's not your fault my love." My heart fluttered when she called me that.

"I just feel as if this is all my fault." "Well it's not." I just nodded and stared at her until we heard the door open again. I looked and saw it was Alex. "Alex?" "Hey." He said looking at me with a look I couldn't describe. "Wha- why are you here?"

"He works for your uncle." Cam said making my head snap to her and back to Alex. "Why? Didn't our friendship mean anything to you?" I said feeling sad that one of my best friends would betray me. "No." I nodded and looked anywhere else but at him.

"Here you guys need to eat." Alex said squatting Infront of me holding food Infront of my mouth. I shook my head no letting him know I wasn't hungry which was true. "C'mon eat. It's not poisoned see look." He said and took a bite. I still shook my head no.

"Please eat for me my love." Cam said looking at me with pleading eyes. "I'm not hungry." "Fine." He said and went to feed cam which she reluctantly ate. After she was done he left out and Derek came in.

He didn't say anything he just got right to torturing cam and smiling when he left a mark. He didn't use the whip, he used knifes. He cut her along her stomach over the whip marks, her back, then he put one on her neck going down to the start of her breasts.

I screamed cried and begged for him to stop but to no avail I was ignored. I don't know why he wanted me here but I wish I wasn't. And I wish cam wasn't.
Jade POV

"I ran through cameras and didn't see any car with that license plate. Did she get a ride from anybody?" Lay asked. She was my friend from the police station.

"No she had her own car, and she drove her own car." I said.

"Did you guys go back to where she was last at?" "No." Xavier said.

"Okay well I suggest you go there and check. Where was she?"

"Death valley park. She told us before she went Ghost." I replied.

"Okay who's going to go?"

"I'll go." Lucas said.

"Okay come on." Lay said walking out the living room where everyone was. "She probably just hiding from us." Mom said rolling her eyes. "She would've told us." "Not me." "Because you don't act like her mother." "I dont because what a di-" "shut up and get out Amelia. I honestly don't know why your here just go." Dad said.

"Fine but when she turns up completely fine,I'm gonna be saying I told you so." She said walking out.
"Hey I'm Jace." He was a cute brown skin with small dreads and a fade. His eyes a hazel color with green flecks that I couldn't help but be absorbed in. "Jade." I said with a small smile.

"Well look at us jade and Jace. I haven't seen you around which group are you apart of." He said referring to cami's or mari's family.

"Cami's." He looked confused at what i said. I let out a little laughter "Cameron's." "Oh you two look nothing alike. I'm apart of mari's." "What do you want?" I asked him.

"What do you mean." "I mean you came over here for a reason so you must want something right." "You looked lonely I thought I'd keep you company." "How nice of you." I said
Cameron POV

"STOP PLEASE STOP." Amari shouted out with choked sobs. I was turned around so I couldn't see her. The fuck is taking them so long I hope they didn't forget. "Mmph." I groaned out as he was cutting my back open. Some wounds were deep, some were not.

Either way I'd end up with marks, that's if I make it out. "I'm regretting getting you. Your incessant crying is not making this fun." Derek said fustrated. "Then stop hurting her." "No the only way I would stop is if I s-" "I gotta pee." I interrupted.

"My bad bro let me get a bucket." "I ain't gon lie you mad weird." "What do you mean?" "Like how you whip me, cut me, punch me, do all this shit then you nice? It's like you got DID." I replied. "Shut the fuck up." "See now your mean" I said and blew my lips.

I haven't cried at all because I have to be strong, for me and Amari. I could never let him see my tears. Tears are for weaklings, tears are for the weak, and I am not weak. I learned that the hard way and it stuck to me I guess.


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