Part Tweenty-Six

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Hyunjin pov
Changbin was sitting on my bed looking around the room awkwardly he looked at everything expect my face.
"I thought you wanted to know me" I said making him jump in surprise.
"yeah, I guess it is harder then it looks, you are not seungmin or even jeongin" he said making me chuckle.
"I am not that scary I promise" I said pausing rethinking my words" well I am , but I am no threat to you... just as I told han" I added making his shoulders relax.
"I have always admired vampires" he said making me raise my brow at him.
"is that so?" he said with a smirk" tell me more" I added walking closer
"it is just how you were presented on earth at least in the movies and tv shows"he replied, even before the portal was closed humans made those movies about us supernatural...but I am aware of all of the new things they have done, it is true we can't go there but we know about each and every single thing that goes on there.

"how did they present us?" I asked with a smirk.
"like tall hot and have a cold attitude which makes you even hotter...well for me...but you care about your loved are also rich so fucking rich...and you live in a castle always wearing suits"he said making me laugh.
"well I am tall and I live in a castle I am rich too....well I am a king, they got that right" I said shaking my head.
"you forgot about hot and sexy" he said, oh I didn't honey I wanted you to continue it.
"so do you think I am sexy and hot" I said biting my lips.
He gulped his eyes getting bigger, he fell right into my trap

"yeah you are " he said his cheeks turning pinkish from embarrassment.
"well thank you" I said standing up
"can I ask you about something?" he asked
"sure" I replied titling my head.
"when I first come here....i saw a you have them here?" he said with big eyes.
"there is only one Unicron left, it is seungmin's " I replied
"what why?" he asked.
"they were already rare, years ago when humans attacked they killed many of them unicorns are not dangerous creatures most of the time they only trust angles....but seungmin's love all of us" I said clenching my hands those humans destroyed many things.

"I see what do you have then?" he asked .
"jeongin and I have dragons, since they are wild they are hard to control but as royals they submit to us so even felix and seungmin can control them...felix has a Phoenix, from the start we had only one Phoenix she is immortal she gets old die and then she comes back as a baby Phoenix she choose felix as her master...she is so adorable " I said
smiling like an idiot
"she?" he asked.
"yeah she is a girl" I said.
"can I meet her?" he said with hopeful eyes.
"unfortunately not now, she is sick and dying..." I said making him look down sadly"looking at the bright side you will get to see her as a baby Phoenix, normally she dies every 100 years so at least..." I froze in my place, I was just about to say that he is lucky that he will see her as a baby since he is mortal.

My heart started to shake remembering that they will die someday, it should be a solution right, if they are our mates mating with them will give them our powers right....we are royals unlike others our mates can have all of our powers.
"hyunjin" he said shaking me.
"what, you want to see my dragons though?" I asked trying to change the topic.
"really....wait you have more than one" he said surprised.
"yeah, it is a whole is under the royal family control....there is other wild dragons though...they live in the southern side" I explained.
"yes please I want to see them" he said jumping from the bed " and the unicron too"he added.

"I think since it is your first time, seungmin should introduce you to him...I will take you to the dragons though....keep in mind that they are unpredictable...stay close to me"  I said making him nod.
"let's go" I said taking his hand before we teleported to the arena where we kept them.
"God, this place is huge" changbin gasped making me chuckle.
A loud growl echoed throughout the place" adalinda, it is me baby" I walked toward the blue dragon who started calming down.
"this is adalinda, she is a female water belongs particularly to jeongin....they grew up together...she was with him since she came out of her egg" I said looking at changbin who was looking at the big dragon with terrified eyes.
"she won't hurt you..." adalinda cut me off with a growl looking unhappy at changbin.

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