Part Tweenty-Nine

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Hyunjin pov
"let's go and visit the new family," I said as we teleported to the arena where we kept the dragons.
"this place is huge" chan said looking around.
"tanie" changbin yelled as soon as he saw the white dragon, unlike the last time neither adalinda nor Nuri were hostile toward him even the rest of the dragons did not pay attention to him all of them were looking at minho and chan since it is their first time.
"adalinda, congratulations my baby"jeongin speed run toward Ada hugging her...well more like clanging into her neck, the size difference is funny.

I felt some things touch me I looked back to see minho clenching my shirt with big eyes.
"They won't hurt you..."
"yeah, it is not like they can crash me with just blowing at me...shut up and don't move" he rolled his eyes hiding behind me, I chuckled at his sassy behavior he is scared yet he did not let go of his behavior.
"oh, them...we think they are our mates"jeongin said looking at the three humans.
"who is he talking to ?" chan asked confused while changbin didn't even care about us he was too focused on cuddling with tanwen...
"jeongin has the ability to talk with animals whatever they are...supernatural or normal" seungmin said.

"adalinda doesn't like minho" jeongin said chuckling.
"neither do I big snake" minho said earning a growl from The dragon he was so surprised that he fell down his ass making us all laugh at the boy, while adalinda looked at him with a smirk.
"she said you are coward" jeongin said chuckling.
"excuse me is my first time meeting a dragon so pardon me " minho said walking toward her...wasn't he scared a few seconds ago.
A staring contest started between the human and the dragon, minho looked like an ant in front of her head.

"nothing else to say" minho said crossing his arms.
The dragon snickered before he gently pushed him back with her head making him fall again.
"oh, okay ada...leave him alone...that's chan over there" jeongin said pointing at chan to come closer who walked toward them
"you can touch her" jeongin said.
"but what if she..."
"she said it is fine...i am with you so don't worry" he cut him off.
The human pulled his hand up before he put it on her head, he gently started to caress her .
"she is so cool"chan said giggling.

"Where is that troublemaker..." seungmin did not even get to finish his words before his dragon come running toward him taking him in his claw before he flew away.
"seungmin..." chan yelled after the boy while minho and changbin stood shocked.
"don't worry that happens often...let's say drago is the only one who can get on seungmin's nerve" jeongin said.
That's when drago let go of seungmin while they were flying in the sky.
"he let go of him..."
Changbin stopped when he saw seungmin's spread his wings out flying our way with his dragon behind.

"you have wings...."minho gasped.
"I am an angel remember "seungmin said.
"they are so beautiful"minho murmured touching seungmin's white wings.
"thank you" seungmin said his cheeks turning red." and you... Aren't you going to stop with this..each time we met you do this to me" seungmin said glaring at his dragon who licked his face.
"he can talk with them too" chan asked.
"no, felix seungmin and I can only communicate with our dragons since we are bonded" I explained.
"does that mean I can talk to tanie?" changbin said with big eyes.
"yeah, when he grew a little...dragons grow fast give it 3 months " I said ruffling his hair.

"do you have wings too?" minho asked me.
"yeah, I do...they are dark does jeongin he has light grey...felix's are..."
"let me his soul" minho cut me off.
Silence filled the place "I am sorry...i know he is also your mate but I am worried about han...i..."
"it is okay " I cut him off."let's go back" I added as we left toward the castle.

Minho pov
I can feel the change in hyunjin as soon as the words left me...the other two said nothing but they did not look pleased...
Did I say something wrong? When all of them are trying to gain our trust all he does is hurt han...and us...
When we entered the room, han was sleeping on his bed.
"rest well, when han hyung wakes up we will come to take you to your new room" jeongin said.
They were about to leave, I messed this up...i bite my lips taking hyunjin by his shirt, I gave one last glance at the sleeping boy before I said" I want to come with you" he said making him raise a brow.
Jeongin and seungmin left leaving him behind" minho it is okay...i am not angry at you..i am not pleased too have all right to be angry at is is different for us...he is our mate we can't hate him or accept any hate toward him" he said.

"still, I want to come" I insisted.
"I have work..."
"please " I said making him sigh...
"come on," he said taking up to another room, it looked like an office." you can take a seat there"he added pointing at the black huge sofa in the middle, I nodded making my way toward it.
"did you want to talk about something?" he asked sitting down on his office chair.
"no, nothing" I said shaking my head, he frowned before he started to go through some papers.
Now I am bored, I jumped off the sofa to roam around the room a bit, hyunjin glanced at me before he looked back to his papers.

I walked toward the shelves which had many books, they look old yet so clean.
On the other side there were some pictures, they were painted I think it is hyunjin and his family, his mom is so pretty just like him.
A movement picked my interest I looked back to see hyunjin pouring wine into his glass.
"aren't you going to invite me for some?" I asked my hands behind my back.
"if you want to drink blood sure," he said chuckling.
"but it is in a bottle of wine?" I asked confused.
"it is is just mixed with blood" he replied making me nod, I didn't drink since I come here.

"I have some wine if you want..."
"yes" I cut him off making him raise his brow.
"what I love it, and I did not have the chance to drink any since I come" and maybe I need some courage I said in my head.
He chuckled going toward a wooden cabin taking a bottle of wine and a new glass.
"here you go" he said handing me the glass but he took it away before I could reach it."are you old enough to drink?" he added making me give him are you serious look.
"so you kidnapped me, drink from me, broke my hand, kissed me and you are worried if I am a minor now" I said shaking my head" I am a college student give me the glass"I added trying to get it

"op, no no....ask nicely"he said smirking.
"I will kick your ass how about that for nice" I asked crossing my arms in annoyance.
"suit yourself" he put the glass on the table next to the bottle before he went back to his table, I smirked in victory try to take it.
"what the hell is this?" I said glaring at the vampire, he put an invisible shield over the glass and bottle.
He laughed shaking his head" ask nicely, and you can have it" he said.
"never"I replied.
"as I said suit yourself kitten"he said sipping his cup.
"don't call me that"I said making him laugh more.

"do you find it funny?"I said again but he didn't pay attention to me as he went back to his work, this idiot.
"hey I am talking to you"I said waving my hand in front of his face, but still nothing.
Oh,  he is playing hard to get I choose the wrong person Mr vampire.
An evil smile decorated my face before I pushed his chair back to make space for me to sit on his lap.
"now you are talking to me" I said making myself comfortable in his lap.
"minho, stop...or you will regret it"hyunjin trying to push me
"regret it"I said chuckling " give me the glass now" I said taking him by his collar.

Our faces were so close that I can feel his breath on mine.
"you are playing with fire right now"hyunjin expression suddenly darkened his eyes turned red, I felt a shiver run down my spine, I gulped scanning the boy's face...he is having fun seeing me like heart is shaking inside my chest.
"what happened to my kitten?"he titled his head to the side, okay why it is hard to breathe...his hand slowly moved toward my waist pulling me closer.
"I told you you will regret it, didn't I?"he said his lips hovering over mine.
He suddenly crashed his lips into mine making me gasp , I threw my hand behind his back to stabilize my body before I start kissing back.

The kiss started to get messy, he bite my lips making me moan, he stood up laying me on the table before he pulled back.
"are you sure?"he asked his eyes seemed to soften.
"yes" I replied without thinking, I am so hypnotized by the boy above me to think properly...and maybe I will feel what everyone is talking about...

Felix pov
After my little visit to my old friend, I went back to hell. Something is wrong with me and I know it, is it because of the humans?
I entered my chamber to see Elena there....why is she everywhere?
"your highness..."
"I am not in the mood leave" I said making my way toward the closet.
"but I brought fresh drinks"her voice seemed to be closer I looked back at her to see her holding a glass of red liquid.
I took it drinking it in one go"it is can leave now,"I said looking away toward my clothes.

"but we were cut last time...i miss you,"she said back hugging me...this girl is either so stupid or acting stupid."come on, master" she added her hands going low.
I growled taking her hand away before I looked back kissing her, she linked her legs around my waist as she kept kissing me.
I start walking toward the bed laying down...
'stop it felix....' my brain and heart screamed at me to stop yet I couldn't...j am hurting my mates, han....and everyone I care about...but I can't...I can't stop...

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