Part Thirty-Eight

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felix's pov
I groaned slowly opening my eyes, how the hell did I get here? I swear I am going to kill that wooyoung this time...i stood up leaning on the bed frame
"felix hyung" jeongin's soft voice ring through my ears...god I miss them.
"I was so worried about you" he added pulling me into a hug.
I was not supposed to come back here just yet what if I hurt them...what if I am still not stable.
"I am fine baby"I said ruffling his hair.
"why did you leave?" he pulled back looking at me with big teary eyes.
"felix" hyungjin said showing up with seungmin behind him, they looked hell of worried.
"I am fine" I said getting up from the bed" see...i am..."
I was cut off by hyunjin's punch toward my face making me fall back into the ground...this bitch, It hurts...
"hyung" jeongin gasped glaring at the older.

"I was so worried about you idiot"he said talking me by my collar"I needed promised me that you will always stay by my side...i didn't know where you made me so..."he said sobbing on my chest, I know I badly messed up when I make hyunjin cry...
"I am...i am sorry"I said rubbing his back.
"why did you leave?" seungmin said coming toward us, he had unreadable expression on his face.
"my angel"I said with a soft smile, hyunjin pulled back drying his cheeks.
"he asked you a question" he said crossing his arms.
"I just wanted to find a solution alone...i made you suffer a lot...i thought"
"what we will be so angry that we won't help our mate" hyunjin said looking pissed.

"I deserve it...i mean...i killed han..." I said looking down.
"hyung, it was not your weren't on your right mind..."
"it is jeongin... my actions led to his death, nothing will change it" I yelled cutting the younger off, this is a part of why I didn't want to come back, they are being biased of course they will try to justify my doings...i am their mate after all, but I don't deserve it...i don't deserve their forgiveness.
"no" I said shaking my head, I don't want to listen to their words...i know they are trying to make me feel better but I don't want it.
Suddenly it hit me...this feeling, I clenched my heart leaning on the wall.
"are you okay?" seungmin said running toward me.

It is not possible, why I am feeling another person through my bond...the only person I mated was han and he is dead, yet this person feels different...he is supernatural,
'hey' I said through my mind link, are they ignoring me or I was the only one who marked them...mating goes both ways if we want to communicate with each other we both need to bite each other, just like with the others....that means that our bond is not fully complete, if it was han it won't feel like this since he is a human...he can't mark me.
I think my powers are not stable it made me imagine things
"I am fine" I said looking at him" aren't you going to hug me?" I said titling my head, I need to make them believe that I am fine...if it turns out I mated with someone who is not our mate...i am dead...we can mate with people who aren't our true mates but in most cases they won't survive because of the rejection of the bond...i will not die but whoever they are they are dead meat...
seungmin walked toward me hugging me right"I missed you"he murmured making me chuckle.
"I missed you too love" I answered.

"could you take me to him?" I said pulling back.
"he is buried in our cemetery...are you okay though you just got back on your feet" hyunjin said.
"I am fine" I assured him.
"wooyoung said you will need to drink from us regularly...i have to say the potion he gave you helped" seungmin said.
"so you are telling me I can't kill him" I said pouting.
"no more killing for you young man" jeongin said pulling my ears, making the other two laugh.
"jeongin" I yelled my eyes turning black.
"hyung...i am..."
"I am joking" I said chuckling at their shocked expression."I want to go alone" I added looking down.
A heavy silence filled the place, I know that we are trying to laugh it out but deep down we are hurting.

"you will find him" hyunjin said nodding his head, I took a deep breath before I made my way toward the graveyard, I looked at han's grave to see someone his smell it is minho...
I bite my lips debating whether to go or not but he looked up directly at me, I think it is too late to back off now...
His eyes went wide when he saw me, I slowly walked toward him, his surprised expression turned into a glare.
"what are you doing here?" he said frowning.
"i....i wanted to see him" I said glancing at han's grave, I can still feel him there...which means the person who I am feeling through my bond is not han...
"why do you want to make sure he is really dead congratulations, you succeeded" he said clapping his hands.

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