Part Forty- Four

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Chan's pov
I opened my eyes looking around the room confused, I feel different....i feel stronger than before...i can feel the power radiating through me...
I stood up walking toward the closest mirror
"this is amazing" I said checking my muscles they are even bigger and more defined. What picked my interest more was my gray hair color and orange/golden eyes.
What the hell I am, I am sure that I don't look like any of the others.
"oh, dear"I heard a gasp from behind me to see jeongin looking at me with wide shocked eyes.
"inie"I smiled at the boy who looked like he is seeing a ghost"is everything okay?"I asked.
"what happened?" hyunjin come in the room with felix soon after all of them appeared one after one.
"I can't believe it" hyunjin murmured scanning me.
"you look beautiful hyung" changbin said.
"can someone tell me why are you so shocked?" I asked the four kings who were frozen in their places.

"you have no idea how amazing you are" hyunjin said his lips turning into a smile as he walked toward me" you are so rare, it hasn't been anyone of your kind for thousands of years...sure me and the others have some of the genes but to get it as the dominant gene is truly remarkable" he added standing in front of me" plus you look so fucking hot" he said making me feel my cheek heat up.
"so could you tell us what is he and stop with the drama?" han said rolling his eyes.
"he is a kitsune, they are so rare as hyunjin said...they are known to be wise their powers is measured with the amount of tails they have since chan just turned he has one but with experience and work he will become even stronger" Felix explained.
" in a fox"I asked blinking at them.
"yeah, all of us have turned into our fox form but we don't use it a lot since it is not dominant in our gene" seungmin said with a wide smile" I can't wait to teach all about foxes...i have been waiting for this moment all my life" he added clapping his hands he looks excited

"now horney couples could you tell us what the man told you?" han asked making all eyes fall on hyunjin and felix.
"oh..., our dear enemy send us a message that he is going to kill us" hyunjin repeated.
"this is bad..."
"jeongin he is nothing compared to us" felix said shaking his head.
"you are being arrogant right now...the man have been preparing for his revenge plan for year' you really think that we will easily defeat him" seungmin said looking at felix.
"I know...i know you are right..." felix said letting a breath out"I don't want to panic okay...i have a bad feeling about this...."
"felix you did not tell me..."
"yeah because I don't want to worry you" felix cut hyunjin off.
"but your feelings are always right" jeongin said with wide eyes.
"okay, no need to panic...first thing first we need to meet with the council then our destination will be earth" hyunjin said rubbing his forehead.
"earth" I said with wide eyes.
"we need to talk with your father " he replied making me look down.

I miss my family a lot and I am worried about them but I am kind of angry at my father because  he was hiding this part of my life from me...maybe he thought he was protecting me...i don't know.
"first we need to turn changbin leaving him as a human will put him in more danger" felix pointed out.
"I am going to change him tonight" seungmin said.
"great, when you are ready all of you...will attend the council meeting" hyunjin said.
"what why?" minho said confused.
"well, they need to meet their new kings darling" the taller vampire winked at minho who acted disgusted, I swear they are like a cat and a mouse and I have no idea which one is who.

"okay, changbin let's go" seungmin announced taking the confused boy's hand before he left.
" we will meet at seungmin's room later" felix said.
"I wonder what will changbin be?" I asked.
"well, normally it is either a demon an angel a vampire a werewolf or a witch since they are the most powerful are an exception" jeongin said winking at me.
"who wants to bet?" Felix said making all of us look at him"he is a witch" he added with a smirk.
"I will go say werewolf" jeongin said.
"game on" felix said with a smirk.
"what will I get if I win" jeongin asked.
Felix looked like he was thinking before he looked up with an amused face" I will let you top" he said with a wink before he disappeared.
"oh seungmin would have wished he was here" hyunjin said laughing.
"hyung, did you hear what I just heard?" jeongin said with wide eyes.

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