Part 2

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Harry's jaw dropped and Ron's eyes grew as wide as saucers. Molly started squealing and gushing over Evangeline. Evangeline smiled warmly at Molly and gave an awkward grin to her dad uncomfortable to his reaction. Sirius spoke up after Molly and asked: "You are in Slytherin?" "Yeah!" , Evangeline nodded back smiling at him. Ron asked her after that:" You sure you are Harry's daughter?" A boy about 12 that looked like Harry's twin spoke up rather harshly: "She is! Don't you dare question that! You don't want to know all the hate she had gotten, and she is the reason I was more or less accepted when I got sorted into Slytherin! Just shut up O.K?" Evangeline gave him a grateful smile and a hug mumbling: "Thanks, Al!" Ginny couldn't hold back and just went forward and hugged her softly giggling into Evangeline's ear: "Glad you turned out great with your dad being Harry!" Evangeline gave Ginny a grin that confused her a bit because it seemed knowing to her. Evangeline then nodded at the blonde to continue.

 The blonde stepped forward giving a small, tired smile, to Tonks she looked a bit nervous though. "Hi, I am Ayra Andromeda Lupin, and I am the older Lupin twin. I am 22 years old, a metamorphmagus and only a few months younger than Evie. I was in Ravenclaw and work as a Auror." Remus looked flabbergasted and opened his mouth to say something but the older guy with blue hair stepped forward saying: "Hi, I am Edward Remus Lupin! People only call me Teddy though, well except for Ayra, so call me Teddy as well Please. I was in Hufflepuff and am a Auror too!" "Two questions?", Remus asked. Ayra looked so extremely uncomfortable when she answered:" Yeah, how can I help you?" "One, who is your mum and Two, are you guys you know?", Remus asked. Ayra answered with: "1, isn't it obvious we are metamorphmagus and 2, no we didn't!" Remus looked relieved for a second and then got a worried look again: "Hold on, Tonks is your mother!" Teddy nodded and Ayra shook her head sarcastically: "No, she is our grandma! Of course, she is our mother!" Tons squealed and brought her two kids in a hug. Ayra and Teddy didn't hesitate and held onto her for dear life. Their Mother not knowing it was the first time she ever held them like this. When they were finished hugging Ayra gave Evangeline a look that only she and Teddy understood. It was a look of pain and disbelief.

The clone of James Potter stepped forward and grinned: "Finally! Hi, I am the amazing James Sirius Potter and am 15. I am a Gryffindor and in my fifth year at Hogwarts. I am part of the golden Marauders and have had more detentions than anyone ever with Minnie!" Professor McGonagall sighed shaking her head at the teenager. Harrys clone stepped forward: "Hi, I am Albus Potter!" Evangeline gave him a soft smile: "Full name Al!" Albus sighed and corrected: "Hi, I am Albus Severus Potter! I am 12 and got sorted into Slytherin last year!" Much to Albus surprise there were no uproars of protest or insults thrown towards him. When he looked at his sister and God sister he saw Ayra and Evangeline glaring at the Order and Teenagers. Harry questioned: "Why are you named after Professor Snape?" "I'd like to know that as well!", Professor Snape announced. "Dad told me that I was named after the two bravest headmasters he ever knew!", Albus revealed. Harry jaw almost hit the floor. James grinned: "If he reacted like that to Al's name how will he react when he finds out who mom is!" Hermione smiled:" I think I can guess who it is!" "You do?", Evangeline asked. Hermione stepped forward and whispered into Evangeline ear. Evangeline's eyes widened in disbelief. Hermione grinned, she knew she was correct. "I want to know as well!", Harry whined. Albus loved annoying his dad so he told him: "We are going to tell you when Lily is introduced!" Harry groaned in anticipation.

 The little redheaded girl jumped forward: "Hi, I am Lily Luna Potter! I am 5 and love being in the nature. My best friends are Livi and Panda! I can't wait to go to Hogwarts!" The woman in the room squealed at the little bubbly girl. James kneeled down so he was to Lily's heighth and asked: "Hey Lilyflower! Do you want to show everyone in the room who Mommy is?" Lily nodded and rushed forward and jumped on Ginny's lap, her arms wrapped around her neck holding on to her tightly, mumbled quietly but loud enough for everyone to hear: "I missed you Mommy!"

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