Part 8

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Ayra took a deep breath, her eyes darting to Olivia and Lily. Olivia and Lily had been playing in a corner of the kitchen bit had now fallen asleep. She looked at Teddy wearily. She couldn't help it and tears started glittering in her eyes. She opened her mouth to start speaking but then as she had just said, "So the people who die- "her voice cracked.

"I can't do it!," she hadn't even finished her first sentence and she already felt like she was suffocating. Ayra had always struggled to accept the fact that her biological parents were dead and even though she felt terribly guilty she always envied Evie, James, Al, and Lily for having their real parents by their side. Ginny and Harry had always loved her and Teddy like their own she always felt like something had been missing in her life. Every year on the anniversary on her parents death she would turn into a different version of herself. As if only the outline of Ayra was still there and not her soul. Ayra hated talking about her parents death. When she had to teach her students about the second wizarding war they were met with a completely different version of the teacher they knew.

Teddy saw the change in his sisters face. The usual shimmer in her eyes disappeared completely and they looked dull. Ayra wasn't in control of her morphing abilities anymore either. Something that only happened when Ayra went through a terrible inner turmoil. He could see her usual ocean blue eyes changing back to her natural deep brown and her usual, so dirty blonde hair turn back into the light brown hair she naturally sported. Teddy immediately grabbed her hand squeezing it reassuringly, which earned him a broken smile. Evie smiled at her best friend and took over.

"So, the deaths, as you know, started in June of 1995. Cedric Diggory was the first official death in the war. At the end of next year there was a battle in the department of mysteries where Bellatrix Lestrange murdered Sirius Black.," Evie Spoke.

Harry looked like he was punched in the gut by the words his future daughter had just spoken. He slowly stood up ignoring the looks of pity he received and went to hug Sirius. He held on to Sirius tightly quiet sobs filling silence. Remus was embracing Tonks tightly, crying too. He was not ready that he was going to be the only one of his best friends surviving. Or so he thought.

Evie looked at her father. Ever since she had been born she had not seen her father cry often. Only a few times she actually remembered. She still vaguely remembered seeing her father dab his eyes when her mother walked down the aisle. She still remembered him crying when her siblings were born. But those were all happy tears. She could not remember a time she had seen her father cry out of sadness. She looked at the younger version of her father crying. It was already weird for her seeing her father younger than her and not even dating her mom yet. Now she had to break the news to him that so many people he cared about so deeply would not see the year 2000. It made her break in empathy for the younger version of her dad.

When the room had started settling again, sombre faces stared at her. She took a deep breath and continued talking. "In the year of 1996 both Amelia Jones was murdered by Voldemort and Emmeline Vance were murdered by death eaters."

The two women looked at each other but not sad. They had a look of acceptance on their faces. They were ready to die for the right thing and you could read it on their faces.

"On the 30th of June of 1997 Albus Dumbledore was murdered by Severus Snape", Evie continued.

Deafening Silence filled the room. The quiet before the storm.

Sirius jumped up pushing Harry to the side to Remus. He pulled his wand at snape. "I knew it Snivellus! You are one of them you slimy little Snake!" Evie looked a little offended at the comment directed at Snapes house but kept to herself knowing this was not the moment. "I should kill you right now!," Sirius spat.

Dumbledore toom this as a cue and stood up. "Sirius, my boy!," he spoke up, "Severus and I have planned this. This is supposed to happen if the person Voldemort will choose to kill me not able to full fill the order, he will kill me."

Harry looked at Dumbledore in betrayal. "You want us to do this without help from you!" James spoke up from his spot next to Kenzie arm wrapped around her. "Dad! Harry! Dad! Oh, my Merlin this is so weird! It was the right thing! Us kids are here, we are alive! We are proof the war is won! I know it hurts and the people we lost will never come back but you can not blame Professor Dumbledore for making a choice you have no say in!"

Kenzie looked at James lovingly and pressed a kiss to his cheek, whispering in his ear, "That was very mature of you my love." James smiled back at her.

Harry looked at his son. The boy was his future son, and he was telling him to calm down. James seemed like one of the boys who would prank and tease everybody and James was. But James was also a person who would die for his family. He nodded at James and sat back down. He hadn't even noticed that he had stood up. 

Evie smiled reassuringly at her dad and continued, "Leading to the Battle of Hogwarts on May 2 a lot of deaths occurred. Like for example Ayra and Teddy's Granddad Edward "Ted" Tonks. Dobby and Hedwig."

Harry looked like he was going to be sick. Still sitting between Sirius and Remus but he couldn't cry. For one he felt like the worst was still going to come. On the other side he felt like there were no other tears left to cry.

Tonks broke down sobbing which caused Ayra to walk to her mom and hug her tightly with Remus. Both Ayra and Tonks hair had turned a deep blue. "It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right. I promise!"

Tonks continued crying quietly but she nodded at Evie to continue.

Evie breathed, bracing herself for the reactions that were about to come. "Next came the Battle of Hogwarts. The deaths of the Battle of Hogwarts included Lavender Brown, Colin Creevey and Severus Snape."

Hermione let out a gasp, "Oh no, not Colin!" The boy had found his way into her heart, and she felt like all the deaths made her feel like she was falling apart. She couldn't cry though it wasn't her place. It was Harrys family and close friends that were dying not hers.

Severus Snape looked down at his hands a sombre look on his face. He was okay that he would die Or so it felt like. He had made so many mistakes as a person and maybe he would be at peace in Afterlife. He nodded at Evie.

Evie nodded back a slight smile gracing her lips. She was going to continue and tell the rest of the story and she would not make James, Kenzie, Mase, Al, Ayra or Teddy do it. She could not let them do it. She couldn't. She would be able to face the whirlwind of emotions that would crash onto her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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