Part 6

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 Evie pulled a black rectangle out of her pocket; the loud ringing seemingly came from the object. "What is that?", Arthur asked interested. Albus smiled, "That is a phone! You can call people with it like using your Patronus call someone, you can send messages like letters just over the phone. It is very practical." Evie had paled, "James, I would be careful if I were you! This is Mom!" James paled as well. Evie pressed on a button and started speaking, "Hi Mom! Don't you think the weather is gorgeous today." When Evie finished speaking a voice of Ginny Potter filled the room, "Evangeline, where the hell are you?" Ayra answered for Evie, "I think the question is rather, when the hell are we?" "Ayra Andromeda, what are you trying to tell me with that!" This time Evie answered, "I guess you should ask James that?"

"James Sirius Potter!"

"So, uh, we kind of are in 1995!"

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER! WHAT DID YOU DO? I LEAVE YOU ALONE WITH EVIE, TEDDY AND AYRA ONE NIGHT AND YOU MANAGE TO GO BACK IN TIME TO 1995! ATLEAST TELL ME THAT IS NOT THE REASON KENZIE AND SCORP ARE MISSING AND MIA IS HERE WITH DRAKE COMPLETELY OUT OF HER MIND!", Ginny from the future screamed into her phone. "Gin, calm down.", you could hear the voice of an older sounding Harry, who was trying to console his wife. It backfired. "HARRY JAMES POTTER! I SWEAR TO MERLIN DO NOT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN OUR KIDS ARE MISSING! THEY ARE BACK IN TIME WHERE VOLDEMORT WAS STILL AT LARGE! THEY COULD DIE! AND TO MAKE IT WORSE YOUR SON DRAGGED HIS GIRL FRIEND AND BEST FRIEND WITH HIM! YOUR GOD CHILDREN!", Ginny ended her rant on the phone in a sob. You could here how worried she was from just a conversation on the phone. "Oh Gin!", You could hear Harry say softly on the phone. There was some crackling on the other end of the line, and you heard the from crying strained voice of Hermione Malfoy, "Kenzie? Scorp? Are you okay?" "Mom!", Kenzie cried, and she just noticed how calming hearing her mother's loving voice in a situation like this was. "Oh, my Merlin! My little angels! Are you okay?", Hermione asked worried. "We're okay Mum! Don't worry!", Scorpius tried to console his Mom.

"You sure baby?"

"Of Course, Mom", Scorpius said softly.

"Mia, Love, you need to calm down! Our children are old enough to take care of themselves!", the voice of an older sounding Draco was heard. "Draco! One more comment like that and you are sleeping on the couch tonight!" James and Scorpius looked at each other and sniggered. And Kenzie looked at her young fifteen your old parents that were desperately trying to hide their blushing faces.

Suddenly you heard a scream through the phone which made Lily who was dozing of jump in her mothers arms. Ginny softly hugged her and calmed her. Hermione panicked scream was heard through the phone. "Livvy! NO! Don't touch that!" "Mom!", Kenzie asked worriedly. "Everything alright?", Scorpius added worriedly. A bang was heard again this time in 1995 though outside the kitchen in the hall. The next generation rushed out of the door and towards the cowering brunette five-year-old.

Scorpius recognized the toddler in the blink of an eye and rushed forward Kenzie on his tail. Scorpius picked the little girl up and held her close to his chest. "Hey Liv!", He said softly, "are you okay, little lady!" "Scorpy!", the little girl sobbed, "My bum bum hurts!" "I'm sorry, baby!", Scorpius comforted her. In the kitchen Molly heard the voice of a worried Hermione calling out for her twins. She picked up the device which was so unknown for her, "Hermione?" "Molly! Oh my gosh! Do me a Favor if a little girl with dark brown curls just landed in your time?", Hermione asked relieved. Molly quickly looked in the foyer and say Kenzie and Scorp fussing over a little brunette girl with curls and the rest of the next generation watching worriedly. "Yeah! A little girl with brunette curls just landed. I take it the little girl is Olivia?", Molly asked Hermione. "Yeah, she is! Ginny wants to have another word with the kids so tell my Babies. That I love them and that we will do our best to get them home soon. Make sure that either Scorp or Kenzie is always with Livvy, she is only five after all. And Molly please look after them!", Hermione said to Molly. "Of course, Love!", Molly promised Hermione. "Kids!", Molly called the children and young adults in the kitchen, "Ginny wants to speak to you!"

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