Solo Sikoa-Camping Trip

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Pairing: Solo Sikoa x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,773

Summary: The Bloodline goes on a camping trip and you forgot to bring a sleeping bag, so you have to share one with Solo.

A/N: I don't know how I feel about this one. Hope You Enjoy!


When Roman announced a camping trip with the group, the only people who were really excited were you and Sami. In Roman's words, 'We all need to have a better bond.' Or something like that. He just wanted you all to really feel like family.

You were excited to spend time with everyone, you started packing instantly. You packed clothes, food, sunscreen, and more useful items. You finished making your sandwiches before grabbing your sleeping bag. You rolled it up and before you could add it to the bag, a knock at the door came.

You went to the door and opened it to see the rest of the group. Sami was first to greet you. "Y/n!" He practically jumped on you, attacking you with a big hug. You almost fell back if it was for Solo grabbing you. "Alright, Sami boy, give her some space."

Roman said, laughing. Jey let out a huff. "See, they have a good bond, why do we have to go?" Jey complained. Jey doesn't want to go on this trip because he knows Roman is gonna make him share a tent with Sami. "Jey we talked about this already."

That was all a Roman said until he turned his attention back to you. "Are you ready to go?" You gently pushed Sami back. "Yeah, let me get my sandwiches and I'm ready." You walked back into the kitchen, putting the food in your bag and leaving out, completely forgetting about your sleeping bag that was rolled on the couch.

Everyone got in the car, and the car ride began. The whole ride consisted of you and Sami singing to every song that played on the radio while Jimmy would join in every once in a while, Solo sleeping, trying to ignore all the loud noises, and Jey would just sit there looking mad, even yelling at y'all to shut up.

Roman just laughed like a proud father, looking in the rear view mirror.

You all shortly arrived at a random spot in the woods. "Boy's get the bags, Y/n, wake Solo up and start collecting wood." Roman ordered as everyone followed. You looked over at Solo seeing him peacefully sleeping.

He looked so calm. "Solo." You whispered, hoping he would wake up. "Solo wake up, we're here." You shook his body to the side a couple of times before he woke up.

His eyes locked onto yours as he sat up, checking his surroundings. "Roman, wants you to help me get some wood for a campfire." Solo looked at you for a second, then laid back down. 'Great.' You thought, seeing that he wouldn't talk to you. He doesn't talk to anyone on the team as much as Sami, but at least give a nod!

You mumbled an, 'okay' before getting out of the car. You watched as Jey accidentally knocked one of the Tent Poles, causing the whole tent to fall apart. He threw everything down before walking away, cursing. Roman followed him probably to talk to him.

You walked forward through the woods, seeing a few sticks. If Solo wasn't gonna help, you were just gonna take big one's so it would be faster. You bent down and picked up big branches, struggling slightly when you picked up a 5th one. You felt your legs giving out and your back hurting.

You dropped one, making it strap your knee. There was definitely gonna be blood.

All of a sudden, hands came behind you, holding you up and getting hold of a couple of branches. You turned your head a little, seeing it was Solo. You hid your smile. "Thank god, you came!" You dropped the remaining branches in your hand and took a moment to examine your leg.

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