Liv Morgan-Stopped At First Sight

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Pairing: Liv Morgan x Wife!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 1,075

Summary: You and Liv tell your kids how you first met and how your wedding went.

A/N: Clumsy Liv. Hope You Enjoy!


It was a nice nice night in the Morgan household, the family of 4 sitting in the living room, watching a Pixar movie the youngest requested to watch.

Once the movie finished you and Liv began picking up popcorn that was spilled on the floor after a little tickle fight erupted when the credits played.

As you reached to pick up a piece on the couch, Liv reached for it as well, causing your hands to touch. You quickly pulled back, muttering a shy, "Sorry." avoiding her eyes.

Liv smiled seeing your reaction, knowing she had to tease you. "C'mon, Y/n. We've been together for 6 years now, and you're still shy after touching hands." You blushed at her words, looking up at her smiling.

You leaned in for a small kiss, kissing her cheek before getting up with the bowl of popcorn. "Mama?" Liv's attention was snapped to her daughter, looking at her with bright brown eyes.

"Yes, baby?" Liv asked her. "Why do you and mommy do that?" Liv's eyebrow furrowed for a minute, considering what y'all just did. "What? Kiss?" She nodded her head. "Oh, sweetheart, Mommy and Mama do that because we love each other very much. We've been doing it ever since we got together."

With her saying those words, her son cut into the conversation asking, "When did y'all meet?" Liv chuckled, thinking about the time and day she saw you.

It was stupid, but yet, it led you both to have this life. 2 kids that you adopted, now married with a big ring on both of your fingers, and a huge house enough to fit 5 people. She couldn't be happier.

Her thoughts were lost when you came back in the room, sitting beside her. "What are we talking about?" You asked. "Mama was gonna tell us how you met!" Your daughter answered. You then smiled, remembering the time.

Liv finally started, "Well, it was January 24th, 2018, the day of the first ever Women's Royal Rumble, and I was out at Starbucks getting my regular coffee. When I was on my way out, I was trying to call Aunt Ruby and Sarah, but my service was acting up, so I began looking around for any sort of place I knew that had Internet and then I made eye contact with Mommy."

She said, looking at you with love in her eyes. "She was so beautiful wearing her bright outfit, and her makeup matched perfectly. I was so busy staring at her, that I missed the look on her face that changed into a surprised expression when I walked right into a stop sign and fell to the ground, with my coffee spilling on my white shirt." You both giggled at the memory of Liv on the concrete, looking up in the sky.

You then quickly rushed over to her and helped her up since it was your fault that she tripped, and that's when you both began to talk. "She even invited me to the show, but although she didn't win, we still went out on a date, and the rest is history." You both sighed, smiling ear to ear.

Your daughter and son were just as happy as you were, loving to hear about how their parents met. "So when did y'all get married?" Then again, you laughed. "I'll tell it this time." You spoke up, everyone listening to you.

"This time, it was 2021 during quarantine and Liv took me to a restaurant on the beach that we went to on our first date. We had an amazing dinner and after that we began walking down the shore, holding hands when she randomly dropped down on one knee. She gave me a small speech about how she wanted to marry me and of course, I said yes."

You couldn't help, but pause your story with a laugh, eager to tell the rest.

"But before she could put the ring on my finger she dropped it and a wave came by, sweeping the ring away, luckily Liv quickly chased after it and got it back before putting it on my finger." Everyone began busting out laughing at Liv's clumsiness.

"So how was the wedding?" Your daughter asked once more. You and Liv only glared at each other. "You wanna tell them?" She asked to which you nodded.

"Well, me and Mama got married June 6th, 2023, and when I tell you, the wedding was beautiful, I mean it. There was white everywhere, with a hint of pink, it was just perfect. Me and Liv both wanted to walk down the aisle, so I went out first. I walked down with my Mom, and stood at the altar, waiting for Liv to come out and then the music played again. Liv came down with her Mom and about halfway down the altar, she tripped on air, and planted face first on the ground. But Liv got up like nothing happened and married me."

Your kids were laughing at the fact that Liv tripped while coming down the aisle. All the stories y'all have told have been full of Liv falling or dropping something. "Mama, why are you always falling?" Your son squealed out.

Liv had an 'offending' look on her face as she looked at you and her kids. "Well for you information, my heels got caught in my dress and I tripped." She hummed.

You gave her 'a look' knowing she was finding an excuse. "Hmm, okay Mrs. Clumsy, whatever you say." You laughed, getting up. "Alright guys, time for bed and maybe tomorrow me and Mama will take you both out to the restaurant we talked about."

Your son and daughter let out a small cheer, excited to see where you both spend your time together." Liv watched as you took the kids into their rooms, listening to the small conversation you had with each child.

Soon after 5 minutes, you came out of your daughter's room, closing the door. Liv stood in the living room, arms crossed over her chest. "I'm not as clumsy as you said I was!" She pouted, going to take a step forward to you, but accidentally tripping over her own feet, falling face first into the carpet.

You held back a laugh, knowing she wasn't hurt. A few seconds later you heard, "Okay, maybe I am." Liv muttered into the carpet, the laugh finally passing your lips.

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