Rhea Ripley-Punished

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Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Smut. Cursing, Degradation, Dildo, Hair Pulling, Mami Kink, Names, (Whore), Paddle, Possessive!Rhea, Praise Rope, Spanking and Vibrator. Minors DNI 18+

Word Count: 2,806

Summary: When Rhea starts to ignore you, you go to Liv for comfort, but jealousy erupts in Rhea and she has to let you know your place.

A/N: Kinda long fic for Rhea! Hope You Enjoy!


You've never felt more disappointed in yourself than now. You just failed to capture a spot in MITB. Rhea and the rest of the Judgement Day have helped you train for this for weeks and you just lost.

As you got out of the ring and went backstage, you were met with an angry looking Rhea. The rest of the Judgement Day stood behind her, a look of pity in their eyes.

"I'm sorry Rhea! I was so focused on Piper that I didn't see Chelsea, and then she-" Rhea held her hand up, silencing you. "I don't wanna hear it." She said, turning on her heel and walking away.

You quickly followed her, jogging beside her. "Rhea, I'm sorry! My mind wasn't focused on the right person. I'm sorry!" You apologized profusely, hoping she would just forgive you, but she was ignoring you.

She continued to walk forward, making you stop in your tracks. There was no point in chasing after her. It was clear that she was upset and didn't want to talk to you at this moment.

You let out a sigh, turning around to see Dominik standing there. "It's alright. She won't be mad at you for long." You gave him a small thankful smile before walking away.

You didn't feel like talking with the team, feeling that they were a little upset with you too. You felt like a failure and Rhea was basically rubbing it in.

You decided to go to the catering room, hoping some snacks or drinks would calm you down before you went to take a shower.

As you were at the table taking some doughnuts, a tap was placed on your shoulder, making you turn around. There stood Liv who had a smile on her face.

"Hey Y/n! I saw your match and I just wanted to say, even though you didn't win, you still did good out there." Her words brought a genuine smile to your face. You were getting praised for losing.

"Thanks Liv. I would believe you, but Rhea isn't so happy with me." You said, taking your plate and going to sit down at a table. Liv followed you, taking a seat across from you.

"Don't listen to her! She can't control you." You gave an awkward laugh at that. You love Rhea and you always listen to her, but maybe Liv was right. "I have to listen to her. She's my girlfriend, and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have even gotten the chance to get into MITB." You said.

"Why are you even dating her? You should be with someone better, someone who treats you like they love you. Not like you're a failure when you don't do good in something!" You only shook your head, disagreeing with her. "Liv, I love Rhea. Even though she might act like a bitch sometimes, I know she loves me."

Liv opened her mouth to say something else, but her eyes lifted up to look at something behind you. Your eyebrows scrunched down in confusion. "What? What's wrong?" You asked.

You turned around only to see Rhea standing above you two, her eyes locked on Liv. She then looked at you, anger forming in her eyes.

"Get up, right now." You quickly obeyed, standing up and going by her side. "We're leaving." She said, not letting you protest as she grabbed your wrist harshly. You looked back at Liv with an apologetic look.

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