Damian Priest-Stupid Airport Man

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Pairing: Damian Priest x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Angst/Fluff!

Word Count: 1,795

Summary: During a busy day at the airport, a man gets a little too touchy and rowdy, making the security guard, Damian, defend you.

A/N: I don't know if anyone's ever wrote for Security Guard!Damian, but Hope You Enjoy!


Working at the airport was your favorite job.

You got to meet new people, talk about where they were heading, and even see some famous people such as celebrities, actors, and even wrestlers.

Speaking of that, your security guard is a part time wrestler. On days he doesn't work, he's coming to take control of the airport, but other days, he's wrestling on TV for millions of people.

You walk through the doors, getting ready to clock in when your co-worker stops you. "Hey Y/n!" You smiled at your friend's voice. "Hey Amber, ready for this eventful day?"

Amber playfully shook her head. "God no, there's gonna be so many people, I don't know if this place will be able to hold that much." You chuckled at her words, putting your bag down.

Christmas was coming up in 2 months, but that didn't stop people from starting to travel early. You've seen the pattern over the years to know that at the beginning of October, people start to travel.

"Well, I heard that Damian's gonna be working every other week, so that's good, right?" A smile was brought to your face at the mention of his name. Damian was your favorite security guard.

He was over 6 feet tall, had cool tattoos, and a good personality. Over the months he's been working you two have become great friends and maybe even more in your eyes.

You didn't know that you zoned out until you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around, seeing Damian standing in front of you. "Oh, hey Damian!"

Amber slowly slithered away like a snake, leaving you two to talk. "Hey, ready for the busy day?" You nodded your head. "Yep, I brought a snack for every hour." Damian laughed at you, looking down at you with adoration.

You were so cute.

"You have a harder job than me! You have to check all those people. Do you know how many people that is in an hour?" Damian only shrugged his shoulder, easily brushing it off.

"Oh, it's nothing. When you're big, tall, and strong like me, they have no choice, but to cooperate." You rolled your eyes at him getting cocky. "And cute too." You winked, a blush filling his cheeks.

The man might be a bad guy on TV, but in real life he was just a big teddy bear.

Your little conversation was cut short when Amber came over. "Alright lovebirds, the people are about to come in 5. Y'all can talk during lunch break."

Damian whined. "Awe, lunch break? That's in like 4 hours!" You all shared a laugh, before people started walking in with their luggage.

Amber got back to her place behind a register, Damian giving you one last look. "If you have any problems, call me and I'll be over faster than flash." You gave him a short nod before getting to your register.

You watched as Damian searched people and patted them down before giving them the okay to go. Many people fled the stores, trying to get some snacks or something to eat.

It wasn't long until a line was formed at you and Amber's registers, and many people were ordering food. You were taking orders and ringing people.

It was until someone who was probably new here skipped the whole line. From the moment he got searched and patted down he walked beside the line, pushing the person in the front to the side.

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