Solo Sikoa-Are You Sick?

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Pairing: Protective!Solo Sikoa x Fem!Reader

Warnings: Fluff!

Word Count: 842

Summary: You find yourself sick, but it doesn't go unnoticed by the others and especially, Solo.

A/N: Requested by Anonymous on Tumblr:


The moment you woke up, you knew you were sick. The way you felt hot, but also cold at the same time didn't go unnoticed. The way your nose was stuffed up, making it hard for you to breathe, and the nasty cough you would have.

You should've just stayed home, but with an important match for the #1 contender spot for the women's title after Charlotte made a return and snatched it out of Ronda's hand, you needed this. You pushed yourself out of bed, took a shower and drove to the arena. You just hoped the boys wouldn't go crazy.

As you parked your car, a sneeze came out. Snot was all on your jacket as you cursed, grabbing a tissue. Maybe this was bad, but just get through the match and you have the rest of the week off. You grabbed your bag and walked into the arena, going to the catering to see the boys.

The amount of weight your bag was putting on you, made you feel like you were gonna fall. Sami was first to notice you, getting up to greet you. "Ah, there she is! Y/n, how are you?" You sniffled, grabbing a chair next to Solo and laying your head on the table. "Fine." Your voice was hoarse and raspy as you answered him.

Everyone turned and looked at you. "Hey, you alright?" Sami tried touching you, but Solo stopped him. "Don't touch her." The surprised expressions that came across everyone's face was no surprise. Even you were shocked. Solo talked! He never talks to anyone, but he talks about you.

Solo grabbed your head, tilting your chin up, looking at your face and into your eyes. "You look pale. Have you eaten?" Your mouth was agape as you couldn't figure if he was talking to you. Roman watched in amusement as you were the only person Solo would talk to, other than Sami.

"Uh, I-I don't know?" Sami slightly chuckled at your answer. "What do you mean, 'I don't know?' Did you eat, or not?" You shook your head no, still looking at Solo.

Without another word, Solo went to the food area and started making you a plate. Jey and Jimmy smiled at one another, seeing their little brother growing a crush. "He likes you." Sami sang, making Roman chuckle. "No he doesn't, he is just looking out for me."

You protested, not wanting to think Solo would like you. "Yeah, like a boyfriend would.Y'know if you two got married, you will be the ultimate Ucey." You rolled your eyes ignoring the laughs coining from The Twins and Roman.

Solo came back, silencing everyone as they watched. "Eat something and see if you feel better. You tried telling him that you weren't hungry, it was just a cold, but he didn't let it slide. "No, you need to eat it. We can't have you pass out mid match, can we?" The way he spoke to you made you wanna sink into a hole and never come out.

You mumbled an 'Okay' and began eating what was on your plate. You're not gonna lie when you say after you 're done, you felt a little better, but it was just your nose and a cough that was the real problem. "How are you feeling now?" Solo asked, putting his hand on your forehead. "I'm fine, but my nose is runny, but that won't stop me from having my match!"

You excitedly got up and made your way over to the exit until you were pulled back into a strong chest. "You need to rest." He carried you back to the chair and sat you down. He took his hoodie off and placed it over you, putting your feet across his lap. "Sleep." Roman was shocked to see Solo act so protective over you.

He usually isn't one to speak with the family, but right now he's acting like a teenage boyfriend who's concerned for his girlfriend. And y'all aren't even dating! "My match-" Solo held his hand up, stopping you and shaking his head. "You can have it another time, you need to care about yourself more than work." You laid back, in defeat, knowing he was right.

"Whatever." You closed your eyes, trying to force yourself to sleep until you really did.

Later on in the afternoon, you woke up to the sound of voices talking. You felt like you were on a cushion, something comfy. You acted like you were asleep, listening to the conversation.

"Tribal Chief, Sir. Do you think Solo really likes Y/n?" You couldn't see what was happening, but you heard laughing. "Why else would he get so protective over me touching her or when she tried to leave for her match? That's gotta be a yes!" The boys gossiped, but stopped when the door opened, to which you assumed it was Solo.

You felt a dip on the couch and a hand coming to rub in your hair.

Maybe getting sick wasn't so bad."

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