Jealously With Undertaker

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Pairing: The Undertaker x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1,883

A/N: It was requested that I wrote for Undertaker someone Sorry it's so short tho. I decided to go with the America Badass Undertaker because when he had this gimmick, it was my favorite. Hope You Enjoy!


Jealousy with Undertaker.

• I feel like when it comes to jealousy with the Undertaker, he wouldn't be the one to make you jealous.

•It would be some guy talking to you, trying to get under Takers' skin or them flirting with you because why would he do that to you?


You smiled as your husbands' promo ended. He was talking trash to the one and only DDP who's been  stalking you recently.

You don't know why he's become so obsessed with you, but Taker's gonna make sure he doesn't lay a hand on you.

You stood backstage, waiting for him to come back when someone touched your back from behind. You quickly jumped, spinning around to be met with Stone Cold.

You took a step back, not wanting him to touch you again. "Y/n." He sternly greeted you. You crossed your arms over your chest. "What do you want, Austin?"  You asked in an annoyed voice, which made him look 'surprised.'

"What the hell's wrong with you? All I said was your name." You gave him a look. "That's because I don't want you too, now what do you want?" Stone Cold let out a sigh. He didn't want to be here as much as you didn't want him to be.

"Look, my wife Debra told me to inform you that your match against Tori was granted and it'll be next week on Raw." Now a smile came to your face.

Recently, Tori has betrayed your brother in law, Kane, by leading him on to believe she loved him, only to betray him and go for his ex partner X-Pac. You saw the hurt in his eyes even if he didn't want to admit it, but you promised him you'll get revenge by beating her ass in a match.

"Really! Oh my god, tell Debra I said thank you." You cheered, a huge smile on your face. Stone Cold looked at your happy face. He's never seen someone so happy to beat up someone.

"Yeah, she said she doesn't blame you for wanting a match. She also tells me all the time how she hates Tori cause all she does is run around like she's untouchable."

You nodded your head in agreement. "Yeah, she really does. She thinks just because she had Kane who's all big that she was untouchable, but now she has a whole group of men. Now she feels invisible." You said, adding a weird tone at the end of your sentence. Stone Cold let out a small chuckle at that.

You were so busy talking with him that you didn't realize your husband had come backstage looking for you, but when he saw you talking to his rival Stone Cold, he felt jealousy enter his body.

He watched the whole conversation as you smiled and laughed, throwing your head back. When Stone Cold laughed he knew it was time to step in. Stone Cold doesn't laugh with anyone backstage.

Undertaker walked behind you, the sound of his boots hitting the floor catching your attention. You turned to see him glaring at Stone Cold, his eyes just as cold as his name.

"Austin, you better get your ass away from my wife, right now." Stone Cold held his hands up in surrender. He didn't want any trouble with the big man. "Aye Taker, I was just leaving, man."

Undertaker watched as Stone Cold left, going back to wherever he came from. He then looked at you with anger in his eyes. "Talking with Stone Cold, ain't you?" You let out a sigh at his tone.

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